Saturday, September 29, 2007

true crime -- small town beat

September 25: A sojourner requested a place to stay because he came to visit someone in Canada on the bus but was not allowed to cross the border. The person did not have any money for lodging or food, so an officer transported him to the Mission.

September 22: An officer assisted Border Patrol agents by providing perimeter security while they took a foreign national into custody after he entered the U.S. illegally in a forested area.

September 15: Officers received a second noise disturbance call regarding a man parked at the curb loudly playing music in his car. Officers recontacted the car’s conductor and warned him additional calls might result in a quiet jail cell. He decided to go back inside the house and listen to his music tomorrow.

September 14: A social service representative went to an elderly resident’s home to talk with her about her well-being. The social worker called for police assistance when the resident hopped on her electric scooter and skedaddled down the street rather than chatting. An officer was able to broker a conversation between the two. From all appearances, the 94-year-old citizen’s batteries were well charged.

September 11: A teenager racing home on his mountain bike artfully jumped the curb from the sidewalk into the roadway of the H Street overpass. The landing was even more exciting than the jump as the bike’s front fork assembly and handlebars separated from the frame. The rider and his amazed expression were then ejected off the frame out onto the pavement in the westbound lane. The disintegration was witnessed by a passing police officer, who closed the roadway to check the victim for injuries and commiserate with his pain. He and his former bicycle were given a ride home.

safety is relative

i have a vivid imagination, so it's pretty easy for me to half-way believe in sci-fi/fantasy stuff.

imagine my horror when i read about people who swim in lakes and mysteriously pick up an invisible ameoba which methodically begins eating their brain tissue until they die.

only this is not science fiction. this is reality on earth today. go to to read the story.

i'm appalled and saddened that something so undetectable could creep up and latch onto someone you love, very quickly rendering them almost immediately terminal. and for some reason, males are infected more than females.

the article mentions one such incident at lake havasu in arizona last month. i think that's where My Younger Son went to vacation with a friend of his back in the 90's. eeeekk!! even 8 years later, it's still eeeekk!!

whatever the tiny creature is, the medical community has no way to fight it. apparently the first cases started showing up in the 1960's and since the bug is a heat-loving bug, its presence is probably going to start being apparent more and more. you know, with global warming and all.

goodness. we start thinking we are pretty safe, and something new comes along. be careful, you guys.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

bent spear --- broken arrow

bent spear and broken arrow. you don't know those terms? that's because you are young!

and if you haven't lived during prickly times like the cold war era, the cuban missile crisis, or the gary powers incident, you probably aren't too concerned about being careful around missiles.

still, it's pretty intriguing to think that nuclear missiles could be transported, undetected, and casually held for 36 hours with no one the wiser.

like, whoa, dude. no problem. this hang-over is killing me. whaddaya mean 'be careful'? you read too many comic books, dude ..... get real.

the unbelievable story here --

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

take a piece of meat with you....

i just had a few 'good morning' chuckles -- go to and read about song lyrics that have been mis-heard. even if you don't know the songs, the results are entertaining.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


our sleepy little neighborhood is waking up. it's been very quiet for so long what with, at one time or another, ten houses being on the market in the last year. and there's only twenty in the neighborhood. but even with several of the houses being purchased, the area has still been very sober.

until now.

the house across the street (lovely 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath) was rented to a group of kids a couple of months ago. we wondered how that was going to turn out, but (except for one of them relieving himself off the balcony) generally they've been low-key. there are always five cars in front of the place, but they've been quiet.

two weeks ago, the notorious house next door got moved into. that was where the kid had played his drums at all hours and their dogs had used our yard as a bathroom. it's been nice to have them gone and i'm not sure what to think of the new neighbors. apparently it's two couples (one couple is older) plus a son. there are routinely four cars in front of the house and the weekends are filled with additional people playing outside. i think they must have an extensive family because there are always new faces.

the other house across the street (small 3 bedroom, 2 story) was just rented a couple of days ago -- they brought in a moving van load of stuff so they may be around awhile. which might not be bad -- i think that sweet dog lives there. i've only seen two cars parked at their place and their plates are from arizona.

so -- things are happening. hopefully the happenings will be happy.

read the label

all that information about toys from china having lead paint or something else wrong prompted me to be really careful in trying to pick out little toys to put on the diaper wreath i made for my dau-in-law at her baby shower last week.

i enjoyed making the diaper wreath and it was cute, but i couldn't find a single toy thing that i thought was safe enough to add to it. of course, this is a very small town and the toy offerings from rite aid are pretty dismal, but every single toy for newborns was made in china.

sorry. not going to buy it. i am going to restrict my toy purchases to a company which is based in germany or somewhere in the european countries. there's just no sense in giving your child a toy from china. too many far-reaching effects if the toy is tainted.

and on that note, i overheard more stay-away-from-made-in-china-products news. it seems there is at least one brand of tooth paste which has been found to be laced with anti-freeze. i don't know any specifics, but i don't need any more reasons to look for the fine print on labels. no chinese products for me or purchases for anyone i love.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

dreadnaughts = draughts = chinook

much to my surprise, or i probably would have been surprised if i'd thought about it, a computer program has managed to come up with every single possible play in a game of checkers.

it took 18 years, and includes more than 500 billion billion moves, but this program will never be beaten because it has seen it all. if an equal opponent ever played the program, the result would be a draw.

the program, called Chinook and dreamed up by computer scientists in canada, will make great inroads in the artificial intelligence field. for more information see this article --

joie de vivre

i chanced across the sweetest dog this evening. i'd run over to a neighbor's to water her plants while she was out of town for a few days. as i was walking across her driveway toward home, i saw a brown sandy-dog peeking around the fence looking at me.

i said, "well, hi puppy. where did you come from?" his tongue hung out and he wagged his tail, making little happy-jumps, one time lunging at my hand with his nose and quickly retreating. he wanted to play!

but i had no idea who he was or where he'd come from so i decided i needed to ignore him and go on home. there were two cars in front of the nice heretofore unrented rental house across the street, so maybe he was theirs. in which case i'll get to see him again. maybe.

anyhow, it was fun to see his joy and for awhile i wished i was part of it.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

true crime -- small town beat

September 3: A 16-year-old area youth who had warrants for his arrest turned himself in at the police department. The warrants were confirmed and the juvenile arrestee was placed into detention.

September 1: An officer investigated several 911 hang-ups coming from an apartment complex. Contact was made with two residents. The caller was surprised to learn that punching the numbers on 911 on your phone works even when you think your telephone service is disconnected.

August 31: A citizen reported a possibly intoxicated man with facial injuries was waiting for a bus in front of city hall. Officers and fire personnel contacted the victim. He described himself as a clumsy alcoholic who falls all the time. The man had a fresh bandage on his cut and refused treatment.

August 31: Customs and Border Protection called to report a motorist backing south on I-5 in the northbound lanes. An officer contacted the driver who admitted to the offense because he had forgotten his passport at home. The driver was trying to find a place to turn around, as he was afraid to approach Canada Customs without proper documentation.