Sunday, June 21, 2009

could be helpful

remember how you used to be able to call information and get a phone number? and before that you could even get the address with the phone number?

then they started charging for that information and i quit using the service.

now google has that service for free. if you call 800.466.4411 and tell them the city and state, then the business you want, they will connect you. and there's no charge, other than your regular cell minutes.

google rocks! eventually they will suck like microsoft, but until then .... yay, google!!

kids and words

greasy grimy gopher guts.

that phrase came to mind awhile ago. i couldn't remember anything about it so i wikied it and read a little about it, but that didn't really tug at any memories.

hmmm .... a mystery.

i'm blessed

remember when you were a kid and it was summer time and you were just lazing around doing nothing and a soft breeze was coming in through the open windows making the curtains drift slowly around, folding and unfolding, with an occasional car going by and somewhere off in the distance kids were laughing?

that's what i have right now. my chimes are sweetly ringing in the breeze while the gauzy curtains waft to and fro, the train calls out its passing, a dog parks down the street, and the wild roses outside my window float their fragrance gently past my nose.

i live in heaven.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

cartoons and mysteries and pixar, oh my ...

then there's a movie called 'sherlock holmes' with robert downey jr, who i've always like even though he's been in and out of trouble with himself, and 'cloudy with a chance of meatballs' which i don't think i'll watch, and of course, 'up' which i mentioned a couple of weeks ago. i think 'up' is going to be a lot of fun.

yay, movies!!

and more numbers

what is it with all the numbers this year?? there's another movie coming out -- district 9, i think it is -- which is about non-humans living alongside humans in the world. the trailer i saw was a curious one, so i went to the website and really got a kick out of someone's excellent imagination! check it out! i guess it's supposed to appeal to jr. high kids, so *ahem* i wonder why i liked it?

cartoons all around

in addition to tim burton's '9', i also saw a trailer for 'planet 51'. it looks like a kids' movie, but it had me chuckling, so i need to remember to watch for it, too.


tim burton's got a new movie coming out: 9. i saw a short of it and was intrigued -- i think i'm partial to number 7. anyhow, the graphics were excellent, excellent, excellent and the music was fabulous!!! i hope i don't forget about it!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

the rain in blaine is mainly on the plane

it's supposed to rain today. maybe.

it's been 30 days (a new record) since we had any rain. considering where i live, that's pretty wild. and the crops are needing the water. anyhow, it's supposed to rain today and when i get to work, i need to remember to NOT take my umbrella inside with me. i mean, that's my own personal trick with the weather -- whenever i take my umbrella inside, it doesn't rain when it's time for me to go outside.

i'm not sure quite how that works, but since i've carried it closed a lot more times than i've carried it open, there's something going on with that theory. so, okay -- no umbrella!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

what a day!

it's interesting how time gets away from you. part of the time i'm too busy or distracted to blog, and part of the time i have nothing to say. but yesterday .....

the big boss is on vacation all week; one of the assistant big guys went on vacation for monday only, but had trouble with his truck and is still gone; one of the people on the 2nd floor retired; a pro-football has-been turned himself in at one of the crossings (he's wanted for numerous things, i guess); later in the day there was a bomb scare in the trusted traveler office. they shut down that office, then about twenty minutes later sent all the rest of us home. that was cool except for one thing -- they sent me home just two minutes before my regular leave time! ah well ....

but i live in this itty bitty town and never did hear a blast, so i assume everything went well and there was no bomb after all. i changed my shoes and went for a walk on the spit with a friend from work and that was, as always, just lovely. the perfect temperature of 68* to 72* and a teeny tiny breeze. the tide was going out and there were no other people or dogs to interfere with our ramblings. so we walked quite a ways and back, then i took him home and came home to eat some supper (a fabulous salad) and head for bed.

what a day! a little excitement, a lot of nature, and great food! perfect!!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink

it was so pretty yesterday. a friend from work and i took a walk along the spit. the tide must have turned just after we got there, because we walked quite a ways, and talked, and when we turned around, there was a sand bar visible and a little island. it was cool!

and i slept better last night than i have in weeks! i may have to make this a regular thing!