Sunday, January 31, 2010

take a left ....

just a quick note -- it was a couple of decades ago that mapmakers decided to not include everything on their maps anymore. little streets, small country roads, they left off things like that. pissed me off.

i just discovered a new wiki site which is trying to map the world and to make the result free to anyone. these maps will probably include everything. since it seems to still be in the beginning stages (staggered stages, though) i'm sure there are places which .... well, wait. i just looked at different places (africa, new zealand, scotland, siberia, china) and there's already quite a bit there. except for siberia and china.

i suppose a person would want to compare one of these new maps with google if you were going to use it -- human error and all that, but for the most part, the new map should turn out to be very informative and accurate. unless a bad guy has been making entries bent on mischief.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

hotel service

i saw this article the other day about having people warm up your sheets. with themselves. come on, holiday inn, how much are you paying the person who thought this up?

yeah, yeah, i know. the person is supposed to be clean and all covered up, but all i can think is, GROSS. if i want a person to warm my sheets, i'll find him myself.

just make them all and let me choose

apparently, according to something i saw, this spring's colors are supposed to be strong-yellow, turquoise-green, tomato-red, chalky-violet, and medium-blue. plus some other blah colors.

that's just depressing.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

things to do

the grandson is just about a month old now. we need to run down and visit. i'm sure he's keeping his eyes open more, especially with big sister around to make noise and laugh. i don't think we're going to make it down there this weekend, and next weekend i'm heading north to a bagpipe fund raiser. i went to it last year and very much enjoyed myself. lots of people, haggis, music, traditional dancing -- it's an evening of total immersion. and very fun!

it was fun

what a lovely visit we had with MYS and his special friend. we've hadn't met her before, although we've read about her on his blog and seen pictures. she's prettier than her pix and sooooo slender. very smart, easy-going, a quick laugh, totally unpretentious, good-natured -- lots of positive things to say about her. we very much enjoyed having both of them around!

i want to go there

we saw avatar last night. in 3-d.

i really liked it, the husband thought it was so-so. v, the young woman who went with us, liked it even more than i did.

would you like it? only if you're an intelligent, imaginative, forward-thinking, visual, other-than-republican, nature-loving, free spirit. it had BEAUTIFUL graphics, more realistic than anything i've ever seen. i mean, you were THERE! and you were ONE OF THEM!

the creatures were scary, but the philosophy of the whole place was lovely. the plants, flowers, little bugs were totally neat. i wanted to be there and touch things and see everything and go for a ride. except that i'm afraid of heights.

but, ohmygod, it was so cool. i wonder if i can have a room done like that place. or the whole house. *sigh*