Monday, December 26, 2011

if you're full of ennui, watch this

the husband likes these guys. they're pretty funny. i watched this video of a road trip after i watched the one the husband sent me about their christmas songs.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

google! of course!

have you seen this store-front-lights thing? the e-mail i got it in showed it from 1:14 on and i knew what i was seeing but wasn't sure of the purpose. then i watched it from the beginning and that, plus the end, made it all clear. it was simply a commercial.

but, whoa! what a commercial. way to go, google! (love the colored squares!!)

Friday, December 23, 2011

love their fun!!

you need to enjoy google's holiday search page.

people in glass houses

i just can't decide -- i mean, would you or would you not be bored in this house??

yeah, right...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

stop protecting the jerks

so these guys are in a packed stadium playing a game and a loonie runs onto the field to attack a player. the player quickly responds to the threat, knocks the guy down and kicks him a couple of times. wrong response apparently. they threw the player out of the game.

the ref said knocking him down should have been enough. but i have a problem with that. listen ref, go after the bad guy, not the victim. this coddling of the bad guys and their rights really needs to stop.

if someone is going after you, you should not get in trouble for responding. a strong response might make the next guy think twice about running onto the field in the first place.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

way to go!

i love this story and everyone is so happy for her. the puck went through dead-center! she was meant to have that truck!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

too late for her

i will be simply amazed if this child grows up to be a productive member of society. she is clearly spoiled and probably demented if she's gone this long without discipline or direction. my guess is that she will commit some crime and end up in jail, or become a tough guy's mol and end up being killed. so be it as long as she doesn't come in contact with me and mine.

merry whatever and happy whenever

the franking commission staff must be a bunch of unamerican bozos.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

the midwest rocks!!!

i LOVE stuff like this -- it is so totally and wonderfully American!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

i don't feel like it

this is a really cute article about a guy who tried getting more in touch with his feelings. not a bad thing for guys to try. and if they could do it with this kind of humor, all the better.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

no ... wait ... come back ...

i know, i know. it's just mean to laugh at little kids. especially when they're ... hahaha ... sitting on Santa Claus' lap ... hahaha ... and being a ... hahahahahaha ... kodak moment!

ears to the music ...

did you know that cows like music? if not, see this.

i can't what?

hahahaha .... this is not a surprise.

"One reader said that these religious 'leaders' give Islam 'a bad name'"

true. so true.

but WHERE is the pretty?

i've always thought of texas as dirt and mesquite bushes -- bleechk! then my cousin sent me this link and now i'm impressed. neat video! (and that cowboy had on a WHITE shirt -- wonder if his wife saw him leaving the house in that?)

Thursday, December 08, 2011


well, nevermind. jasper fforde's first two books were pretty good, but i just finished the third one and ... yuck. finished as in, read the first 71 pages and skipped through the rest. ho-hum and yuck. oh well.

back and forth and backandforth andback andforth

oh this is way too much fun!!

look at this video from harvard natural sciences and watch how a series of pendulums, each a little longer than the others, are in sync then get out of sync as time whizzes by. it's interesting and fascinating, as well as oftentimes funny.

thanks to my ex-boss max for the link!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

smooth groove

Groovera is still, of course, my favorite music station. i just listened to a track by Silk on tim's facebook page. very smooth, very nice.

honestly, one of these days i simply have to get an i-pod so i can gather (read: buy) the different musics i love, and listen to them!

Monday, December 05, 2011

graffiti wars

got this from the husband. it is totally cool!

i want one!

okay then, i'll take one holodeck in my mountain get-away, and one in my library here in town. i'll get one for the kids, and maybe buy another house to put one in there, too. but i don't want the green monster.

down, down, and away....

did you ever want a wingsuit? it's pretty clever. about the only way i'd use one, though, would be if i were in mountainous terrain and needed to escape from really evil people. but they'd have to be REALLY evil.

Friday, December 02, 2011

it's right there in front of you

i haven't seen anything recently which has made me change my mind.

here's one muslim's quote:  " 'I have to pray. I have no choice but to break the rules.' "

and here's the other article's headline:  "Saudis fear there will be ‘no more virgins’ and people will turn gay if female drive ban is lifted"

face it. they are different from us in a way that threatens the fabric of our society. it's not like the irish immigrants or the blacks breaking out of slavery. if the direction doesn't change, these people will be the death of the america i was born in.

starting with the eyre affair

okay, i can now report on Jasper Fforde: he's delightful! if you want an easy read, one which provides laughs, is silly, and has things that don't make sense but it doesn't matter, join Thursday Next on her adventures.