Monday, December 31, 2012

this is so cool! i'm tellin' ya, people love music and dancing!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

this is pretty darn interesting. i've never given much thought to mountain climbing. i mean, you climb up, probably with a rope and you climb down. sometimes you fall down. so? you have to not be afraid of heights, but ... so?

well, after clicking on the little green boxes and seeing what is actually at person-level on these wide, flowing rivers of snow and ice, i am actually pretty intimidated. climbing is not the world for me. i mean, it takes energy and stamina. i mean, at first you think ... hmmm, so? but clicking on those little boxes is an eye-opener.

check it out. but only if you have at least half an hour to spend.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

do you want to sleep in a car? notice i said 'sleep' and not ... ahem.

check this out.

but you have to be in stuttgart.

Monday, December 17, 2012

i can do that

this is a good one. i guess the gal does her own singing (a friend did all the music!). check it out. it's fun!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

it speaks to your soul

people love music. i have never understood those religions which ban music or dancing. music is about as universal a language as you can get.

Friday, December 14, 2012

a kick to the gut

one of my bosses died today. she was probaby somewhere between 48 and 52. it was a total surprise all the way around. she fell off a ladder last night and hit her head; her husband found her some time later; they took her to the hospital, and i don't believe she ever woke up.

i was shocked this morning since that was the first i'd heard about it. then i was numb the rest of the day. i told the husband i wanted to go out for supper ... out where there was a lot of noise and people and kids and life.

she was smart and sweet and strong and fair, and so very good in her highly-placed position. we are going to miss her an unbelieveable amount.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

it affects my soul

cute! i love this! a canadian company puts together a music video of carol of the bells.

it looks like they're having a lot of fun and it sounds great -- i wanted to play!

if you look farther down the page you'll see the group that sang the hallelujah chorus in the food court. what a neat thing to see. and i love how it affects people. what does a criminal think when he sees something like this? it moves me to tears.

Friday, December 07, 2012

what time is it?

do you ever feel totally stressed? need to get away? well, i have the answer for you. go here and sit and watch for 20 or 40 minutes and your cares will drift away. leave the sound on ... it's nice, too.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

see it in lithuania

this is the strangest structure. it's hard to imagine anything being inside it, yet apparently it was a prison. there don't appear to be any windows or doors, either. and what are the rooms like, and do the floors slant? it just makes no sense and i would be curious about it, but .... not enough energy.
here's the article.

Monday, December 03, 2012

dreamin' babies

this is so CUTE!! sleeping baby does all kinds of things ... (heh, heh)

seen one, seen 'em all -- NOT

hahaha, if you need a good laugh .... have at it.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

today's cuteness

oh my god -- too cute. little baby yammering and dog joins in. the article says they're singing but it looks like they're engaged in a dialogue to me.  :)

Saturday, December 01, 2012

a very long involved dream

i just had the most amazing dream.  i was in a college town and it was autumn, and my mother and i were going to look at a house that i might be renting.  we walked in and i could see that it had the exact layout of a house in one of my dreams from long ago -- a house i had walked through in canada which had an unusual layout but i had liked it.  at any rate, the owners, an older woman and her husband, were nice and i was happy enough with the place, but when i asked about an internet connection, she said there wasn’t one.  well.  no way was i going to rent a place, especially for 948 dollars, which didn’t have an internet connection.  then she said, let me show you the basement.  so we went downstairs and there was a main room which was very nice, and even had a kitchen area, and a second room with a bed.  since there were already three bedrooms upstairs, i really wasn’t interested in a fourth bedroom , but then she took me farther back into another room which had an old-fashioned sewing machine and a bunch of fabric.  i was really interested in the sewing machine, but she took me farther back into a room which was a canning room -- it was so cool with a large old-fashioned sink area and huge metal table, and then her husband took me farther back into a shop area.  he opened up a side door, and we went into a storage area for the shop that was jam-packed full of items he might use -- it was fascinating.  then we went farther back into another room and i have forgotten what that room had, but there were windows and we were no longer under the main house but way out by the street, so that we had a great view when a parade went by!  so i went back to the main basement room and talked with the lady.  i asked her if she would get an internet connection, but she said no, and i thought she was going to tell me to live my life for awhile without the internet to see what i could learn.  so i said that if i paid for the internet connection, would they allow that.  and she finally said yes.  so i was going to get the $948 apartment plus pay for an internet connection, plus i hadn’t asked about utilities, and i couldn’t quite figure out how i was going to afford everything on my take-home pay of $2000 a month.  but i decide i really wanted to help her when she started canning and we talked about that for awhile.  i said that i liked yukon gold and reds better than those brown potatoes, and she said that was okay, it wouldn’t matter.  i was going to talk with her about the sewing machine, but then she showed me some perfume that was on the downstairs dresser.  it was in a teeny tiny bottle and was the perfume of my life.  it fit me perfectly.  i tried some on and realized i was going to have to find some of my own and i laid down on the bed and fell asleep.  sometime during the night i woke up and realized there was someone way over on the far side of the bed, but i didn’t know him and shrugged and fell back asleep.  when i woke up, i decided i had to get some of that perfume, so the husband and i decided to go to the mall.  i handed him the perfume and asked if he could figure out the name of it and the maker.  i finished putting on make-up and looked into the mirror.  my makeup was perfect and i looked so pretty -- almost like i was in my 20s again.  the husband said he couldn’t find anything so i took the tiny bottle and looked and looked.  finally i saw ‘clairol’  WHAT?!  what an ordinary company for such a perfect perfume!  so we went to the mall and looked around.  i walked into the conference center and was amazed by how lush the area was.  there was a centerpiece of a ship, surrounded by a velvet tier of seating.  two men were playing as naked statues.  since i was one of the hotel organizers, i started to talk with them, but then the rest of the group came into the area, and everyone was talking and mingling and drinking.  the naked men got down and left to get dressed, and i stepped back from the seating area and turned to the 50-foot long table with stately seating and beautiful place settings, flowers, tablecloth, and silver utensils.  i turned and walked up the two stairs in my 4-inch heels and evening business suit which occasionally showed a glimpse of leg up to the top of my thigh.  an attendee beckoned me over and handed me some silver utensils.  “would you please find jon hall and return these to him?  he left them behind.”  since it was part of  my job, i said yes, but thought ‘i have so many other things to do’.  and i didn’t even know jon hall.  but i started walking around, trying to figure out who might be a jon hall.  i asked several men, but they said no.  i wandered out of the conference area and directly into the luxurious bar, dark with lots of masculine wood and fabrics and overstuffed chairs, finally asking one of the waitresses.  she said he was over in that group.  so i started over but before i could get there, a man rushed in and hurriedly talked with jon hall and they rushed out of the room together.  i tried to follow in their direction, pushing through the well-dressed crowds of people.  i finally got to the behind-the-scenes hallway which ended in a back stair, vending machines, and elevator.  they had gone up the stairs and i could hear them talking.  i stopped and listened, but they had been drinking and weren’t making much sense.  then one of them said he thought he heard something and they started back my way.  i quickly went to one of the vending machines and looked at the selections.  one of the two approached me and started being belligerent.  i played dumb and they finally went away.  i headed up to my room in the hotel, bending backwards over a rounded shoulder-high walker as i approached my room down the long hallway -- the walker was a good thing to exercise your back.  when i got to my room, the door was open a couple of inches.  i entered the room slowly, but it looked okay...two queen-size beds and a dresser with beautiful curtains made up in heavy gorgeous fabrics.  i sat down on the bed to think, and abruptly a detective came out of the bathroom.  he started smoothly talking with me and i realized it was bad.  i gathered myself and calmly said it was a frame-up.  i was being set up.  then i woke up.