Tuesday, February 21, 2006

family IS important

with all the good family time we had this past weekend, it got me to thinking about 'family'.

back when i was diagnosed with breast cancer and had my first mastectomy, i had a number of relatives living within 150 miles (we were in oklahoma). if i remember right, two of my favorite aunts and a favorite cousin-by-marriage came up to visit after i'd gotten home from the hospital. we all talked and did the polite thing, then aunt iantha said, "okay, let's see it," so we went into the bedroom and had show-and-tell. it was weird to me, but they were all pioneer farm women and were bothered by nothing. their natural curiosity and acceptance was so nice and reassuring, and went a long way toward making me feel better about the loss of that body part.

later, when my father drove down (from nebraska) to visit, the first thing he did was give me a warm, full-on, loving hug that was full of acceptance. that, too, helped me feel better about my strange new body.

family can be frustrating, exciting, fun, or aggravating, but (unless they are TOTALLY dysfunctional jerks) best of all they are there, and supportive and loving and accepting. and willing to help and just be any way they can. aren't we all lucky with our family?!!!!!

family makes me feel --
and i'm loving listening to -- Naoki Kenjo playing Voil du Coeur

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Well said babe. I couldn't agree with you more. Hubby
