Friday, March 10, 2006

did you know this?

last tuesday i noted certain political entities think that having middle easterners in charge of six u.s. ports is a fine idea.

today i ran across this bit of information: great britain provides the security for a number of u.s. 'sensitive' areas. wh... what? here's what i read:

"In a residential area of Washington, D.C., the headquarters of the Department of Homeland Security is fenced, gated and patrolled by armed guards.

The guards are employed by Wackenhut Services, a British company that provides security for many sensitive American sites, including many of the nation's nuclear power plants.

But the Homeland Security headquarters is anything but secure, according to more than a dozen former and current Wackenhut employees who signed statements citing everything from unmanned guard stations to inadequate training." quote from:

hmmm ... if we are the land of the bravest, the best, and the brightest, why do we keep doing dumb things? wouldn't you think we would be able to handle our own security? i can only imagine it's a money thing. and yes, i agree it is valid to consider costs vs benefits vs danger vs whatever. but security? of nuclear power plants? and yes, i agree that britain is our friend. but nothing is forever. let's just handle it ourselves, shall we?!

my feeling -- who's in charge here?!
16B -- Inbetween Your Choice

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