now i read that a Dubai (part of the United Arab Emirates) -owned company (Dubai Ports World) is slated to take over operations at six u.s. ports with bush's full approval, unless congress steps up and halts the process. not only does bush approve, but if congress tries to pass a law to keep this takeover from happening, bush has said he'll veto the law.
"Bush has said security concerns were unwarranted. He said security at the ports would remain in U.S. control, and that Dubai, a member of the United Arab Emirates, has been a strong ally in his war against terrorism." (quote taken from ) When it comes to the mercurial nature of many nations, especially the Middle East, our allies of today can be our enemies of tomorrow. how incredibly stupid can president bush be?! wait, i already know the answer to that.
pardon me while i display my getto i.q. and panic-crazed mob mentality by stating that if they allow this to happen, this country will be one step closer to 'creeping foreign take-over' or 'massive and fatal dependence on others'.
*sigh* i just can't stand it.
my feeling --

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