Wednesday, May 31, 2006

alone, again, naturally

oh, the time she is awastin' -- hmmm, is that the right phrase? something doesn't seem right, but then, what i mean is that time doesn't waste any time flying on by. My Younger Son is safely back at his place *teary sigh* and life is pretty much back to normal; normal being relative, of course.

i very much enjoyed all the time i had with MYS. we drove My Older Son's new car down to him (very strange run-in with police on the way), then came back and walked around fairhaven, looking at interesting things. of which there were several ...

MYS spent a couple of days up at the place and enjoyed his solo time in the middle of nature, including two hours worth of mowing the grass and an unknown amount of time chopping wood.

one of the best parts of his trip though was getting to listen to him strum his new banjo! i even was able to do a duet -- he'd play a tune while i stood behind him and reached around tapping rhythm on the outer edges of the round, parchment-looking piece with the pads of my fingers. it was very fun!!

and then there is the great news that MYS now has his master's degree of arts in science ... plasma astro physics to be specific. we can't quite figure out why the university chose to make it an arts degree rather than science, but hey. there are a lot of things about that school we can't figure out. such as why they retain poor instructors. but back to MYS -- CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! YOU are THE MAN!!!!!

and now, alone once more, we have just about finished the excellent bbc series of hercule poirot. i am so sad to see the end of it -- david suchet was entirely too excellent, mon ami, as was philip jackson (chief insp. japp), hugh fraser (capt. hastings), and pauline moran (miss lemon). i've
never read any of the books, so i can't compare, but suchet is definitely uncomparable in the very best sense.

just like MYS!

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