Monday, May 22, 2006

up with family

whew! husband's sis & husband stayed until friday, then headed toward their home. we had a good-bye lunch at YEA'S WOK in newcastle. this restaurant is THE ONLY chinese restaurant on the planet that is really good. i wish it were located in my town.

at any rate, the visit with s&h was so fine! i wish they lived closer -- like in the same town -- so we could do things together more often. but, oh well. they want to be where it's hot and i want to be where it's not.

after s&h left, husband and i did some shopping then met with My Younger Son and his travel pal (new york to seattle via chicago, ann arbor-to-pack-the-honda-and-move-all-of-e's-worldly-belongings, north dakota, and glacier in about a week). we had supper at YEA'S WOK, then enjoyed a leisurely conversation at starbucks before MYS came with us and we said good-bye to e before splitting up to head home. just as we got on the interstate, however, My Older Son called us and we all decided to get together before we left town. so MYS and MOS-and-wife got to see each other for the first time in awhile -- we had a nice but short discourse then hit the road (husband's back was giving him many pains). so, yeah -- whew! -- it was a long-but-full-of-variety day.

so great to see family!!!

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