Saturday, June 24, 2006

romantic storms?

if a thunderstorm is about to happen or is in progress, you should not only hang up your cell phone, you should throw it far away from you.

"... usually when someone is struck by lightning, the high resistance of the skin conducts the flash over the body in what is known as a flashover. But if a metal object, such as a phone, is in contact with the skin it disrupts the flashover and increases the odds of internal injuries and death ... 'The Australian Lightning Protection Standard recommends that metallic objects, including cordless or mobile phones, should not be used (or carried) outdoors during a thunderstorm' ... " (

did i know that? do you? regardless, lightning is really dangerous -- we just don't hear about its adverse effects very often.

for example, if you are indoors during a storm don't touch electrical equipment (lightning can follow a wire) and stay away from bathtubs, faucets, and sinks (metal pipes transmit electricity). there are additional rules plus more for if you're outside, but here's one you need to remember: never lie down flat on the ground during a storm. (

if lightning strikes 20 million times a year, that's about 38 times a minute. and the air near a lightning strike is 50,000 degrees. whoa. dude. seek safe shelter.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I'd heard about the indoor stuff but not about the cellphone. Although I guess this guy should've listened!
