Monday, June 19, 2006

small town crime

June 13: Two truckers engaged in a pushing contest after becoming frustrated over a perceived incident of queue jumping in the northbound commercial truck traffic line-up. Police calmed the men, who declined to have the matter pursued criminally.

June 12: Officers mediated an argument between sisters who had become tired of living together. Apparently the younger juvenile sister was upset over being "bossed" around. The mother arrived home in the middle of the argument and took control of the situation. When everything had calmed down, officers cleared without further incident.

June 7: Police received a report of a traffic cone pattern in a construction zone which was causing south and northbound traffic to converge head-on. Officers found that construction workers had forgotten to move the cones back after moving equipment in the area. No collisions occurred and the problem was fixed.

June 7: An apartment complex resident reported that a neighbor was playing music extremely loudly. An officer responded and could hear the music from one to two city blocks away because the stereo owner had placed her speakers in an upstairs window facing the outside common area of the apartment complex. The officer gained the music lover's compliance in turning down the stereo at the time.

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