Wednesday, July 12, 2006


That jerk! So he thinks he can go out on me and not get found out?! HA! I’m sneaking over to his place and I’m going to catch him in the act!!!

She turned onto the dark, familiar street, drove past five houses then slowly pulled to a stop and shut off the engine and lights. It was a moonless night, which was good. Except that she was just a teensy bit afraid of the dark.

The darkness is my friend. I like the darkness. I am one with the darkness. She chanted the mantra softly, willing it to give her courage.

Suddenly headlights shined in her rear-view mirror. Quickly she ducked down on the seat, making sure she didn’t accidentally hit the brake pedal. She held her breath, waiting for the car to go by, but it got closer and closer then turned into a driveway.

Slowly she sat up, peeking between the headrest and seat, trying to see out the back window. A light came on in the little house with the big front porch. He’s home! All she had to do now was see if he was alone.

She popped the dome light on her old Ford, loosened the tiny bulb, then eased the door open and quietly got out. None of the neighbors were out as far as she could tell, although there was always the chance someone could be sitting on their porch in the dark.

The darkness is my friend. I like the darkness. I am one with the darkness. The words trooped through her mind as she started up the driveway. Abruptly she tripped on a crack and slammed her knee into the concrete before she caught herself.

Damn! That hurt! She managed to pick herself up without any noise and limp toward the illuminated kitchen at the back of the house. The window was open an inch or so and she could just barely hear voices. Plural! The jerk! Then there was a feminine giggle followed by an unconvincing ‘stop that’.

Ha! He should have stopped that before it began! She crept closer, going up on tip-toe to try to catch what they were saying. The back door creaked open unexpectedly and she frantically took a flying leap behind a low hedge in the neighbor’s yard. As she lay there listening, she realized her head, back, bottom, and legs were getting cold. And wet! They must have just finished watering their yard. Damn!

The back door creaked again, there was a distant sound of voices, then the kitchen light went out, soon followed by an upstairs light coming on.
His bedroom! That does it. I’m outta here. That jerk is sooo history.

She sopped back to her car, squished in, and headed out. I mastered the darkness and am mistress of my fate! Look out world; you don’t mess with Kate! She giggled ... unless you’re a cracked driveway or wet lawn.

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