Friday, July 21, 2006

i don't get it

we've got a situation here that has me just shaking my head. if you've been reading the husband's blog, you know how he feels about our neighbor with the kid in high school. if you haven't been, here are the bare facts:

the boy has a grunge band (he plays drums) and they've practiced the last year in an upstairs room right outside our bedroom window. the dad said they would limit practice so as to end by 9 pm. the dad moved out nine months ago. the band has played 'til 11 pm on several occasions. we refrained from saying anything because it didn't happen very often and thought we'd just ignore it because of their strained family situation. they have two beautiful irish setters (and are baby-sitting another dog) which they allow to occasionally poop in our yard while urination is a more frequent occurrence, and they are almost always off-leash.

the husband finally said 'enough' and politely spoke with the mother -- she agreed something different should happen. nothing changed, so hubby wrote a decent letter asking changes be made. again nothing changed, so hubby called the police about the band; the police came and heard the noise agreeing it was out-of-line; the police spoke with the boys; several of the boys came and apologized to the hubby (although not the neighbor kid). hubby called the animal control people who came out and spoke with someone at the house.

the mother left the house last week on thursday and had a long weekend with a friend until sunday night. while she was gone, the son had a weekend party including beer. when the mom got home, the kid left the house and didn't come back. the mom wrote a letter to hubby and left it on our front porch saying that because WE were not good neighbors, her son had moved out of the house (he was too stressed about the police coming) and she had to pay $160 in fines and now she was all alone (although the son moved back two days later).

the thing that bugs me the most about this situation (besides how uncomfortable it is) is that she straight-faced lied to us. we checked with both the animal control people and the police, and they neither one gave her any tickets.

i do not understand how she could lie about that. it's beyond me. i don't lie and don't tolerate it from other people so i have very little experience with it. how in the world can a supposed adult lie about something so easy to check? she's intelligent (she's a dental hygienist), she's in her 40's, she and her soon-to-be-ex have three boys (senior in high school and two in college), she's soft-spoken, very pretty, and from canada.

i just don't understand the lying.


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I would keep reporting their misbehavior then till she really does get a fine! heheheheheh. It will continue cause people like that think they can do anything they want! lly

  2. as it turns out, she now has a ticket but for an unrelated problem. there's been a car parked in front of her house for several weeks and another neighbor reported it. she now has a ticket for that and you know she will blame us for it. oh, ick!

  3. Anonymous3:13 PM

    "and now she was all alone (although the son moved back two days later)."

    Heh, I think that says a lot about the whole thing, actually.

    P.S. I like the new format! : )

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    she's crazy
