Tuesday, July 25, 2006

new career field wide open

sex in space: the stuff of dreams? more like the stuff of nightmares. to me it seems that it would be like trying to run fast underwater -- not as easy as you'd think.

sex in space is going to have to happen, but there are definitely challenges: you perspire more in an outer space habitat, therefore you'll encounter more free-floating fluids; the action/reaction truth may make you look/feel like a slow-motion keystone kop; it's quite easy to get space-travel motion sickness. therefore, sex will probably have to be choreographed, at least until people figure out the trick.

researchers are finding that lack of gravity has a profound impact on fetal development, as well as on medications and other health issues (to say nothing of the logistics of the sex act itself). "So how much gravity is enough?...Think of gravity as a medication. We don't know the dose, we don't know the frequency, and we don't know the side effects." (quotes taken from interesting article at

the article goes on to say that between gravity concerns, radiation, and whatever else we encounter, we must become space aliens if we are to survive as a species. "Our children...will be space aliens...They will be different from us in some way...disturbing, but it's something that we need to think about if we are truly going to be a spacefaring civilization and settle the galaxy."

this intriguing dilemma definitely needs looking into.


  1. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Gasp! But, but, surely my parents never have had sex!

    ; )

  2. oh goodness sakes no ... parents don't do that sort of naughty thing. at least my parents didn't ...

  3. Anonymous11:25 PM

    well! that's a relief!

    and confusion.
