Sunday, August 20, 2006

already warmed up

i've just finished a quick skim of -- some of the articles are old-hat, but one that surprised me was about breast-feeding in america. it seems there are a lot of people who think it's obscene, objectionable, disgusting, etc. hmmm ... how curious.

i breast-fed both my boys (in public and private) and would encourage every mother to do so if she's physically able to. should breast-feeding in public be allowed? well, do you eat in public? are kids bottle-fed in public?

it seems strange to me that people equate breast-feeding with sexuality. and for a woman to express disgust about another woman breast-feeding, makes me wonder what is in her head and in her past for her to think that way. there's no sweeter thing on this earth than your baby grinning and gurgling while he's nursing.

americans have some really disturbing ideas about reality.

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