Sunday, October 08, 2006


well. it happened. the kid next door who kept playing his drums too loudly and drives a brightly-(hand)painted yellow van with rude slogans painted on it was taken away in handcuffs in the middle of the night last night.

the dad moved out last year, the mother was gone for the weekend (not for the first time and what is she thinking?!) and the kid, not for the first time in the last few months, had 'adult' beverages on hand and an open door. i noticed cars coming and going, kids in groups outside, and later a kid weaving his way to a waiting car before i went to bed at 10:30 pm.

this time, however, cops showed up around midnight (our neighbor called us to see if we were sick or had a problem, thank you jean) and after parents drove up to collect kids, coulton was lead to a waiting police car (which for some reason was parked blocking our driveway), cuffed, and at about 2 am was taken away into the night.

the mother will instantly blame us, although my thought is that the parents of the weaving kid called the cops. coulton is either being a stupid kid, crying out for help, needing a good spanking, or headed on a life of crime. yeah, he's still just a kid, but he's a high school senior and should be at least starting to make good decisions.

i like to see happy endings but sometimes it doesn't turn out that way. i wonder what's down the road for coulton...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Hm, yeah, too bad the kid's life is getting messed up so much. Considering what you've said of the mom, I can't really imagine that this event is going to turn things for the better. She'll probably send him off to one of those ridiculous bootcamp-type places for "problem children." Or just keep ignoring him.
