Tuesday, October 24, 2006

a day at work

helping our neighbor with her restaurant is incredibly tiring. it's just she, the hubby, and i doing everything and today it got really busy. instead of doing my usual thing of washing dishes, i somehow got tagged to work the front -- taking orders, taking money, running credit cards, and answering the phone. i hadn't done that before and was nervous about it, especially since a number of people had to wait, and it takes awhile for things to cook and be put together.

yes, the stuff is very fresh, but people can get antsy. a couple of guys today were put out about my inexperience which was unnerving to me. i must be a lot more insecure than i thought. not that they said anything out of order, but dark looks, deep sighs, and whispered asides can be lethal. oh well, i guess. but i sure didn't like it.

how is it, do you suppose, that some people have the ability to say 'the hell with those types of people' and just blow it off without another thought? i'd like some of that, please.

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