Monday, November 06, 2006

south dakota 4-a

tuesday we got up and headed out into another beautiful day.

here is a preview of coming attractions -- can you tell what it is?

and who are they fooling with that sign? obviously the hill does NOT block the view (see above)...

but the view is far and away better from inside the crazy horse monument grounds. this shows the finished product in such a way that you can immediately see the results of the work in progress...

this is a picture of a picture (sorry about the flash) which shows the superimposed image...

doesn't it look like it will take them centuries to finish? it is a labor of love since they do not accept government funding of any sort. the person who started this endeavour was Korczak Ziolkowski who, with his wife Ruth and their 10 children, worked hard on their dream of a tribute to Crazy Horse and all Native Americans. when the children grew up, they were free to go or to stay and work on this huge project. today Korczak is dead but his wife, seven of the children, and a number of grandchildren continue to work on this enormous carving. there is even a webcam of the site. Posted by Picasa

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