Sunday, November 12, 2006

south dakota 7-a

friday was our last active day in the hills and active we were. we stole pat for a second time and before we left the city, we stopped at the local museum. this building was built after the 1972 flood and it’s supposed to be flood-proof. strange looking, but whoa! if you’re in rapid city you have to see this place. the museum is very well put together, combining indian/pioneer info, dinosaur info, and geologic info.

our next destination was deadwood where we caught a noon parade (high school homecoming) and ate at kevin costner’s place (the restaurant not his house), midnight star. if you can hold your breath through the smoke (casino) on your way to the dining level, you will see a large assortment of costumes (wall-mounted) from his various movies (but actually you can see them even if you don't hold your breath). he’s been in a lot of movies i’ve never even heard of, such as table for five (1983), shadows run black (1986), and dragonfly (2002). and although i don’t think many people saw it, i thought american flyers (1985) was a good flick.

after lunch we headed over through lead (as in lead the goats rather than pencil lead) then south through rocheford, mystic, and hill city (and somewhere in there was edelweiss and silver city) to sylvan lake -- one of the most beautiful places in the hills. and there we played.

see the rock that's smiling?

those rocks are startled and drawing back...

balancing act...

the dam bridge...

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