Saturday, January 06, 2007

here we go again

here it is: 2007! happy new year everybody!

we had a lovely, lovely visit with My Wonderful Younger Son over the holidays -- now he is back in new york and will be taking off for italy tomorrow. such a cosmopolitan person! he is scheduled to present a talk at a workshop in sauze d'oulx (in the alps somewhere west of turin) -- i'm glad he presents the first day so he can then sit back and relax for the rest of the conference. the following week he and another classmate will head off, via trains, to switzerland then germany before returning to rochester. what a great experience it all will be!

but it was soooooooo nice to have him home with us -- we talked about stuff, we played dominoes and uno, we worked crossword puzzles, we traded dance steps, we ate good food, we sat together companionably while reading. it was so very nice and all the memories are tucked away for future perusal. (pictures to follow this post.)

the husband and i have been so very lucky and truly blessed with our kids. our thanks to the universe for these gifts!

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