Thursday, April 19, 2007

#1 is blue, #2 is pink, #3 ...

i just watched a strange, to put it mildly, flick -- A Scanner Darkly, taken from a novel by Philip K. Dick, animated, starring Rory Cochrane, Robert Downey Jr, Winona Ryder, Keanu Reeves, and Woody Harrelson.

the animation was excellently done, although it mainly looked like paint-by-number. be sure to watch the special feature on the animation -- those guys would be fun to work with.

i'm not familiar with the story or Dick but the adaptation by Richard Linklater told about a time in the near future when an undercover cop gets hooked by the drug culture he's supposed to be investigating.

i was more intrigued by the animation than anything else. maybe i'm just too used to disney.

cochrane's characterization was simply great -- that guy was down-and-out crazy and cochrane played the role perfectly -- you should watch it for him if nothing else. downey's character was the comic relief -- a smart guy and quick with the wit, and probably no one else would have done as well as he. ryder was very good and very pretty, too. reeves was good, but i had the most trouble reading his character. harrelson -- gees, i simply can't stand the guy no matter who he plays.

oh yes, and you will become distracted by the scramble suit.

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