Wednesday, April 04, 2007

dream 4

i was talking with someone about a horror movie and proceeded to show them that one of the buildings on campus had a basement which went down several flights underground, the final flight being a narrow, vertical shaft which was sunk much farther underground. as i was explaining, i remembered i'd seen this building in some of my dreams before.

i knew i didn't want to watch the horror movie, so i went to value village and looked around. i discovered some spoons i thought i could use, so picked them up, and continued looking around. there were two complete sets of old-family silver wonderfully wrapped in that bunting which protects silver from discoloration, but the patterns were very ornate and i didn't think mike and his fiancee would like them.

i kept browsing, found a pair of earrings i liked, then bought everything and continued looking. i was surprised to find an old friend convalescing in a bed in the clothing section and talked with him a little bit. he had broken his leg but didn't seem in a hurry to leave the store.

all of a sudden i realized i didn't have my package anymore. i looked all around and re-traced my steps, but couldn't find where i had put it down. dangit!! someone had lifted my stuff! and after i'd already paid for it!

i was very bummed and wondered what this world is coming to that someone would steal something from someone in value village. as i started to leave, i walked by the cashier and, sitting amid a pile of clothes, was my package. she had wrapped it in brown paper after i'd paid, and apparently i'd wandered off before she was finished so she left it on the table for me. someone hadn't stolen it after all.

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