Wednesday, April 18, 2007

i'd forgotten how funny ...

Young chick to pal: Carly Simon? Wasn't she the one who sang 'You're So Vague'?--Nail salon

Man on phone: I'm not saying it's your fault. I am saying you're a liar, but I'm not saying it's your fault!--10th & Broadway

Woman to little girl: To be perfectly honest it just makes you look dumb, because you can only spell backwards.--Times Square

Chick on cell: The only thing getting me through this day is the liquor at the end of the tunnel.--Columbia University

Guy yelling from street: Does anyone know where McDonald's is? Anyone? Anyone?! Help meee!--114th & Broadway

Dude on cell: I said I was born at night. I didn't say I was born last night. I'm not stupid.--Manhattan Mall

Man on cell: Yeah, but then once you graduate from college it's called alcoholism.--West Village

Woman: Why are you not breathing? You're the worst patient ever!--ER, Methodist Hospital

quotes from

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