Thursday, April 05, 2007

vignette ~ Rumblings

So many errands to run and things to do, but what a beautiful day -- lots of sun, blue sky, and a perfect temperature! Why is it that springtime just makes a person feel good? His mind wandered as he moved through the steady traffic observing a greening yard here, a budding tree there. Yes, things were finally looking cheerful after the long, cold, dreary winter.

Suddenly his tummy rumbled -- he glanced at the clock and realized it was almost 1 pm. No wonder I’m hungry, he thought. As he went through the roundabout, he decided to go to the Chinese restaurant just down the street. He’d passed by it often and always wondered if it was any good. He loved Chinese food, but there was no local place which really met his exacting tastes. Being an optimistic person by nature, however, he looked forward to a pleasant discovery as he drove into the moderately-populated parking lot, sandwiching himself between an SUV and a Smart car before locking up and strolling easily through the sunshine.

A tiny hostess met him and said, “Tabo fo one?”

“I’d like to look at your menu first, please.”

“Menu? We no have menu. You come, I sit.”

Before she could start off, he interrupted her. “Wait. You don’t have a menu?”

“No, we only have one thing. Come.”

“One thing? Well ... what is it?”



“Yes, haggis.”

“Scottish haggis?”

“Yes, you come now?”

“Uhhh, well ... maybe some other time. Thanks anyway, though.”

He turned around, glancing at the nearest tables as he reached for the door. He couldn’t really make out anything on the plates and he didn’t want to stop and stare so he smoothly continued his way outside.

Haggis, he thought. Huh. Haggis. That’s just weird. And he shook his head a couple of times as he drove off to MacDonald’s.

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