Wednesday, May 23, 2007

making mistakes? do it big!

it's all about doing the job right for the boss. especially the top boss.

yesterday i had a long day which was full of learning, interruptions, and mini-snags. so when it came time to go home, i was more than ready. i turned off the computer, gathered up my things, started to walk out the door then remembered maybe i should say good-bye to the top boss. so i went into her office and said, "are you going to be here tomorrow?" she looked at me funny and said, "yes." i said, "okay then, i'll see you tomorrow." she hesitated a second then asked, "what time to do you go home?" i smiled and cheerily said, "4:30" but the back of my mind thought that was an odd question. she looked up at her wall clock. i followed her gaze and looked at the wall clock. it said 4:00. horrified, i mumbled, "what am i doing?" then "this is extremely embarrassing" then went back to my desk.


stress works in subtle and mysterious ways.


  1. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Not such a mistake. It was 5:00 where I was! She should have been pleased you stayed so long.

  2. hahaha, thanks pat -- i needed that!
