Wednesday, May 30, 2007

wait a sec...

big business vs. consumer health -- a small beef producer in kansas wants to test all its cows for mad cow disease, but large meat companies don't want to have to spend money for the test for its cows, so their political clout has ensured the u.s. ag. dept. will fight this keep-our-food-supply-safe test.

what's wrong here?


  1. This is a tough one. I like the idea of testing every cow but doing so is certain to increase the cost of beef and, as the articel pointed out - false positive alerts.
    Also, comparatively speaking, 3 cases of mad cow disease in the whole USA in the last 4 years doesn't place it high on the risk factor list.
    At times I think the mad cow scare is just another example of media over-hype. We are at much greater risk from less exciting headline grabbers like obesity, drunk drivers, smoking, etc.

  2. Dang it! I forgot to run spell checker before I hit "Publish". Please excuse my fumbled fingerings.
