Tuesday, June 26, 2007

universal truth?

part of the occasional thing that happens at work is they interview people for positions. the aspiring applicants show up in my *ahem* office (a.k.a. the reception area) where they can sit down to wait.

one man who came in today didn't seem nervous. i asked him if i should tell someone he was here and he said no, that he was half an hour early. i smiled and said okay.

he then mentioned he had driven over from a town which is about 50 minutes away, and since he wanted to make sure he got here in time, he left early.

then he had wondered how bad the back-up was going to be at the only traffic light in this little town -- there's been a huge amount of construction going on around that intersection the last x-months.

he was relieved when he arrived with no time lost and settled in to wait in the parking lot for 35 minutes.

but then he thought about maybe the elevator might quit working and decided he better come on up.

he chuckled about it and i laughed -- that's exactly how i would have worried about it. you, too?


  1. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Did he tell you about the sleeping bag in the car...just in case?

    And the extra shirt on the car hanger?

    And two types of breath mints?

    And the Travel-size deodorant in his pocket?

    (I think he talked to my mother who swears that "whatever you worry about never happens."

  2. actually, i agree with your mom, too. no matter how many different ways i can imagine something happening, it is ALWAYS some other way. i keep trying to think outside the box but can never quite get there...
