Wednesday, June 20, 2007

zip, zip, zip...

wow, has it been busy around here lately. i love my job but have awakened several nights thinking at warp speed about incidents, problems, happenings, etc. -- it's very annoying to not be able to get right back to sleep.

yesterday one of the employees was very rude -- i'm not sure he meant to be, he probably was stressed or had other things on his mind so it was nothing. that's a female talking. but as a scorpio i would say, that arrogant prick was rude and i'm waiting for the day when he needs my help 'cause the stupid fucker isn't going to get it. (i have these little battles with myself.)

time to get moving. it's a beautiful day outside and we're having a big meeting at work -- i expect to be busy all day. chow! or is it choi? chau? whatever, see ya later.

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