Sunday, July 29, 2007

true crime -- small town beat

July 24: A citizen reported hearing the front door open and hearing footsteps. A search of the house and the neighborhood proved negative for anyone out and about. The citizen was advised to keep their doors locked at night and keep their security light turned on.

July 22: A 17-year-old driver was cited for negligent driving after knocking over two mailboxes and causing damage to a parked vehicle. The driver admitted that he was "playing around" and said that he did not see the mailboxes or the vehicle while backing out of a driveway at high speed. Damage was estimated at several hundred dollars.

July 18: Officers responded to a call from a resident who reported his dogs barking at something in the night. Officers checked the area and found no one. A few minutes later the person re-contacted 911 to report that he had now armed himself to search for the intruders and was laying on the ground outside his home. Officers located the man splayed in the gravel near his house. He was not armed, but appeared very intoxicated, at times incoherent, and had injured himself falling down. The man was transported to the hospital for evaluation.

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