Tuesday, July 03, 2007

uh ... what?

i had an odd experience at work today. one caller asked about a specific procedure. i gave him the spiel i have to give everyone including that if he wanted that office's e-mail address i could give it to him.

so he copied down the phone number, fax number, and said yes he wanted the e-mail address. then we talked a little more and i realized he was looking online expecting to find a web site. so i gently mentioned this was an e-mail address and he said, oh, that he hadn't done any e-mail before but that he'd give it a try.

so he opened a new message, typed in the address (which i realized he had not spelled correctly), then put in a subject, then went on to the body. we talked a little bit about what he could say and i suggested he might also want to leave a phone message, too, to cover all his bases. i also made sure he knew to push the 'send' button on his e-mail.

when i got off the phone, one of the downstairs supervisors who had been waiting to talk to me said, 'i didn't know there was anyone who hasn't ever done e-mail' -- it was a strange and gently funny situation. i wonder if he was pulling my leg.


  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    My guess is that it was the head of personnel--just checking to see how helpful and courteous the new employee would be to someone with an unusual request.

    (There will be a bonus check in your next envelope.)

  2. hahaha, ALL RIGHT!!
