Saturday, July 28, 2007

what to do

wow! it's amazing to me how much this new job has cut into my play time, i.e. reading and blogging. and even though i've lost 15 pounds (due entirely to moving around -- eating hasn't changed) and dropped a dress size (depending on the outfit) i miss my old haunts, so to speak.

i love reading good books (aka sci-fi, fantasy, medieval romance, mystery) as well as playing on the computer.

that said, maybe i can get caught up a little bit this weekend. and that said, check this out. a couple of tv helicopters in phoenix crashed and all aboard were killed while they were checking out a cop-chasing-criminal scene. this is what has me flummoxed.

if there is anybody out there i am acquainted with who seriously believes the criminal should be charged with these deaths, let me know so i can permanently stay far away from you. WHAT in the holy hell has this country come to for anyone to truly imagine the criminal should be charged thusly.

don't get me wrong, i believe criminals are all too often let go with puny discipline, but this is just totally stupid. all this blame-game stuff is not good for this country ... blame everyone/take no responsibility ... it's a disgusting philosophy and seems to crop-up often. is there any way to get the misguided to be honorable, have integrity, and be willing to carry their fair share?

no, i thought not. sigh.

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