Monday, December 31, 2007

can't keep up...

is anybody else as tired as i am? it seems like things have happened non-stop since just before thanksgiving.

we had enough money this year to buy some decent presents. that's good.

we got to see My Older Son & Family. that's good.

we got to see My Younger Son. that's good.

we loved having the time once again with MYS -- seeing him once a year really sucks. but seeing him is totally fabulous! and now he's off to ireland (he went to italy last year, remember). i'm really curious as to his impressions of ireland -- he'll have a good write-up on his blog when he gets back.

and seeing MOS's young daughter is fun. although she seems to cry when i show up. *take offense? ignore?* she's about 11 weeks old or so and is different everytime we see her. doesn't cry as much as before, doesn't sleep as much as before, smiles now -- it would be neat to see her more often.

but back to the point -- we've been constantly busy and i'm bushed. i still have a small celebration at work i have to prepare for next week, but after that ... back to boring ole' reading and sitting in my rocking chair in my library. ;)

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