Sunday, December 09, 2007

my husband fred, android 67402

i just read an article on sex with robots. i found myself chuckling embarrassedly through the whole thing, and wondering what that told about me especially since the husband is outstanding in that area.

then there's the 'vote' part of the article -- i chuckled at it, too.

i've always found sci-fi to be utterly fascinating and love reading futuristic books, but this idea caught me off-guard. sex with robots, marriage with robots, ethical treatment of robots. wow -- what a bunch of concepts.

at any rate, the guy in the article recently got his ph.d. (in the netherlands, no surprise there) on human-robot relationships, and says the first state to legalize human-robot marriages will be ..... which one do you think? he says massachusetts. i would have guessed california.


  1. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Actually, I would vote for South Dakota as the first state to have robot marriages. Mostly rural, not a lot of choice of social partners. All those wide open spaces to traverse for a little friendly conversation. Robots could probably handle the long hours and hard work of ranch/farm life and still be able to put in a good night of square-dancing.

    Of course, with the weather around here, one would have to have a large supply of WD40 on hand...

  2. hahaha -- the husband and i would never have thought of south dakota as being in first place on such a controversial subject, but your comments make perfect sense!
