Sunday, December 16, 2007

my morning cup of ...

i really like tea. particularly bigelow's constant comment. at least i used to like constant comment. lately it seems a little ... tannic? unorangy? something, anyhow, and that's made me go look elsewhere.

voila! i found a website which has a really great selection of teas (i ended up ordering $40 worth of the stuff). seeing as how i've been busy wrapping christmas presents, i haven't had a lot of time to try out all those teas i ordered, except for P.G. Tips. it's a strange name and the bag is strange, too. sort of a triangular-shaped bag turned sideways. yeah, hard to describe, but it works really well for the water-accessing-the-tea-and-getting-it-wet process. and combined with the apple blossom honey i ordered from an excellent road-side fruit place just beyond leavenworth, my morning tea drinking has become a lovely experience once again.


  1. PG Tips are really common in England and India, it's a good brand. Hope you enjoyed it.

  2. i did enjoy it and will probably use it quite a lot. since i know nothing about it, i appreciate your vote of confidence in it! thanks!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. สล็อตออนไลน์

  5. PG Tips are really common in Germany and Italy, it's a good brand. Hope you enjoyed it.
