Sunday, June 22, 2008

do the best you can

this week was a surprise. well, last week first -- i had a huge project i needed to do, IMMEDIATELY, for the big boss. after almost two weeks, i got it done (two days early) and sent it off. as it turned out, we were one of only three offices in the whole country which completed this thing on time. (whoa -- what does that tell us?) the big boss was so pleased that she gave me an appreciative certificate to a very nice dining establishment in an upscale area on the water.

then this week, totally out-of-the-blue, one of the supervisors that i interact with, occasionally, presented me with a written certificate (which said all kinds of nice things about my helping people), and a gift certificate to a nice dining establishment. i was so stunned that i could only say 'thank you'. (well, duh. let's be a little more gracious next time, shall we?)

at the end of the week, the big boss told me one of the chiefs had mentioned she thought i always dressed nice and professional. that was good to hear because i try to vary what i wear and try to dress it up (scarf, jewelry, etc.). that it isn't easy because i prefer to wear jeans and flannel shirts. (and some days some of the people here dress very casually, which i envy.) in addition, i'm having to wear tennis shoes all the time these days because i have plantar fasciitis -- it could take up to a year before i can stop wearing tennis shoes to work. (with suits or nice clothes? yuck!)

at any rate, it felt good to hear all kinds of nice things, especially since i've put forth effort. so ..... a word to everyone: try to remember to express appreciation whenever you see someone putting out great effort. some people toot their own horn and that's fodder for another blog. and some people do things and expect to be recognized for it -- another blog. it's the ones who silently slog away, going above and beyond their duty without expectation of any extra remuneration who deserve accolades. that is your assignment -- express appreciation to the silent deserving.


  1. Anonymous6:38 PM

    i agree with your philosophy of letting people know when they have done something well. It makes the person feel good and it reinforces my belief in what is good in the world.

    In a connected topic, I have always found it interesting that people are willing to do most anything that other people are grateful for. It is a confirmation of what one values. I suppose money is even a form of gratitude for people showing up for work. And that makes your extra acknowledgements even more special--above and beyond gratitude for above and beyond performance. Keep up the good work!


  2. I was very surprised by all the nice words -- made me glad I already try to appreciate people, verbally.
