Friday, July 04, 2008

all the news....

sooooo many things i intended to blog about this week, but time went right on by. and i, therefore, have forgotten all of them so i'm going to ramble and see if anything comes back.

my friend mary put her house on the market. they've moved a lot of their stuff out -- knickknacks, extra clothes, some pieces of furniture -- and with the rearranging and general sprucing, their place looks lovely and HUGE. if there are buyers on the market, it shouldn't take them long to sell. good luck, mary!!

this month was 'berry' month at our regular bring-food-to-work lunch. i always hate these things because i've never enjoyed cooking, and since i have so many other interests now and so little time, i begrudge doing the lunch thing. but, trooper that i am, i do try to bestir myself to do something. i bought blueberries and raspberries, washed and culled through them, then added them to a mixture of creamy cool whip, sour cream, and cherry yogurt. it was so delish!!! and how could it not be, eh?!!

and you know that dish which has mandarin oranges, coconut, nuts, other berries, in a creamy pink mixture? ambrosia or something? oh my god. one of the good guys (i really like him and he's such a sweetheart) brought this in and even though i was pretty sure i wouldn't like it, he was expecting everyone to love it, so i put a large dab on my plate. and ate most of it. and smiled. and somehow managed to not gag and throw up in front of everyone. i absolutely hate that stuff and even after i had downed most of it and secretly thrown the rest away, my mouth remembered that taste for at least three hours.

it's been hell here with the temps the last 8 or 9 days. our weather is usually so mild, even the cold isn't bad. but hot is hot everywhere. it was 78 or a few degrees more in the house, and 80s and low 90s outside. i wilt very quickly. and when my body gets hot, my lymphedema instantly gives me trouble. it's already bothering me because of allergies, so the heat just makes me double cranky. but finally the temp dropped into the 70s. the humidity is right on the verge of being a problem though.

and today is the 4th. we're supposed to go to a 'do' this evening, but the forecast is rain. the get-together will be nice, but we're going to be ready to go home hours before anyone else -- we're just not get-together-and-stay-up-late people. but we may surprise ourselves. we're open to surprises.

never did remember what i wanted to say. does this mean i'm a bullshitter?

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