Saturday, July 12, 2008

lovely day; crime doesn't pay

oooooh, happy day! it's 65* in the house right now. i'm having the first cup of tea i've had in ages, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, the air is still, and the neighborhood is quiet. it's just lovely!

i meant to tell you about some excitement we had on thursday. a trucker came from canada to cross the border. he was in the 'fast' lane (free and secure trade) which means he had submitted to a background check and screening to allow him quicker crossing. truckers can get 'fast', people can get 'nexus'.

at any rate, the truck was empty, had cruised through the traffic, and pulled up to the checkpoint. it just so happened the officer who was at this particular checkpoint always sent empty trucks through the vacis (the x-ray area) -- it was this officer's own quirk. then when the truck was x-rayed, something showed up.

the trucker had to pull over to another area and a drug dog was brought. it alerted to trouble and additional officers checked in more depth. secret compartments were found which turned up 22 bags of cash -- $1s, $10s, $20s, and $50s. later that night, after being sorted with two counting machines, the total came out to $1,130,080. that's the biggest currency seizure ever in our area.

the big boss was back east during this time, but her big boss just happened to be visiting for a meeting and got to be present when this was going down. our local paper has an article, along with an article in a tacoma paper, and a seattle paper police blog. there are undoubtedly more, but those give the details.

the money was destined for the los angeles area for the purchasing of drugs which would then be taken back to canada and sold for quite a bit more. i imagine the guy who put up the money is a little ticked-off right now.

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