Tuesday, July 29, 2008

we're off to see the wizard...

today was m's last day at work. she's moving to north dakota which is closer to her roots as well as her family.

my boss, patty cake, had several weeks ago asked me to come up with some decorating ideas, and since we were combining the going-away party with a potato salad throw down which someone decided should be a competition, she asked me to come up with a voting booth.

a voting booth?? for days i tried to figure out what kind of voting booth, how big, made of what, etc. and finally i came up with the perfect solution. i got some gauzy old curtains and hot-glue gunned them to an old wide-brimmed hat .... voila! instant voting booth!

i was so pleased with my solution since it was light-weight as well as extremely portable. when i showed it to patty cake yesterday, she was stunned. but not because she was awed by my great idea -- she was stunned because she had meant for me to come up with a voting box. something to put the votes in.

well, shit.

anyhow, i wish m the best in her new position, new town, and new friends. new adventures are always exciting.

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