Sunday, August 31, 2008


there are times when i wish the hubby and i had the same body-clock. i mean, he's a morning person and i'm a night person.

he wakes up all jouncy-bouncy-boy and i'm block-of-mud-girl. he hums, whistles, sings as he practically skips around the house. i stay tucked into myself trying to keep the world away, including sunshine, noises, and any form of cheerfulness.

in the evening i'm ready to PAR-TAY, run marathons, lead the charge, etc. he has faded into a gentle willow-the-wisp, droop-eyed, the switch almost turned to off.

i can't help but wonder what our lives would be like if we were on the same schedule.


my mother, Betty Rose, was born on this day eighty-two years ago. she died in january, 1988.

i still miss her.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

food for the tummy

i made soup today! yummy!

it has: bacon, barley, basmati rice, onions, garlic, beets (beet, stem, and leaf), swiss chard (stem and leaf), carrots, tomato sauce, mushrooms, and radishes.

our weather this summer has been pretty excellent and i love it that i can have home-made soup in august!

number ple-yuz

well, this will be interesting. i've been fed up with verizon for more than a year and have diddled around trying to figure out which service to switch to. try as i did, i couldn't summon up any answers.

today i just happened to be glancing through the aarp bulletin (i have never looked at it before in all the years we've been getting it) and saw an ad for Consumer Cellular. the thing that caught my eye was that it doesn't insist on a contract. (there was also an ad for jitterbug cellular, but when i looked at them online i was very UNimpressed.)

so i went online to check it out and liked what i saw. one of the nicest things is that i don't have to call verizon to cancel my service and put up with them trying to talk me out of it. i just switch the number over to CC and it magically happens.

sure, it may turn out i don't like the phone i got (it's nokia which i already know i do like) or we may have a problem with service, but we'll see. i've got 30 days/30 minutes to make up my mind.

the monthly plan is 200 minutes for $19 with 100 texting messages for $2.38 (a 5% aarp discount is figured in -- when i gave them aaa as a reference, i didn't get ANY discount).

it may not be the best deal in the world, and i just remembered it doesn't have a camera, but, really -- how many times did i use the camera with verizon. not very often. and if i like the service i think i'm going to be happy with the phone. that will be a nice change.

p.s. the replacement battery for this new phone is half (ONE HALF) what it cost from verizon.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

what i love

there are some really great artists who have their music played on Groovera and one of the most recent excellent artists is Ulrich Schnauss. every single one of his tunes which has played on Groovera has been superlative! his music is sort of in the style of Joey Fahrenbach, Jeff Woodall, and Delerium.

Excellent music from all four, wonderful, very talented artists/groups!!!!!


my work area is a reception area, complete with several two-minute chairs (you can only sit in them for two minutes before you need to get up and walk around), a couple of counters, some reading material, an office hallway, a door to a conference room, and a window to the main hallway upon which the elevator opens. the window starts about waist-high and goes up about three feet.

at any rate, the other day one of the officers i talk with poked his head in the front door and asked if i'd seen the escalator they'd put in out there in the hall. 'what?' i asked, amazed. 'i'll show you,' he said and turned and got on the down escalator whereby he smoothly traveled down past the window. in short order he came back up the escalator as i was laughing my head off.

he stuck his head back in and said, 'they put in an elevator, too,' and stood behind the window, reading an imaginary book, and descended. pretty quickly, still reading the same book, he ascended back to our floor.

it was hilarious and i am going to have to ask him to do it again the next time i see him!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

z-z-z-z-z ...

and since i've been so busy at work, i've been dreaming like crazy at night.

last night i had a bunch of dreams, one of which involved living in a different house. it was a nice older neighborhood with nice wooden houses and nice yards. i don't remember much except that we lived in the third house from the corner, then my dream went somewhere else, then the dream went back and i had switched to living in the house on the corner. i couldn't figure out what had happened, but i liked the one on the corner better. and i didn't like the guy who was in the middle. i think i dreamed about the house because i had been looking at houses for sale in anchorage and found this absolutely darling house with a big yard on a corner. the problem was that it sat in an area which had a lot of businesses around it. too bad.

the next dream i had was the husband and myself going back to work as air traffic controllers. i can't remember what facility we were at, but after working one airplane, i decided i didn't want to be a controller after all. i wanted to be an instructor. then i woke up.

elegant professionalism

this has been a busy time at work -- the big boss has hosted a two-day conference which means that donna bobonna and i have been taking care of getting the table set up, the food put together and laid out, and cleaning things up to get the next layout in place.

sheesh! it's been stressful and exhausting. this is only the second one of these i've been involved in and i'm glad it doesn't happen very often. got there early yesterday, stayed late yesterday in addition to the day before. my mind can't get into my other work because i have to keep being aware of the timeframe/do the next thing on this conference.

ah well -- this afternoon it will be over. donna bobonna and i will take our tablecloths, platters, bowls, flowers, napkins, placemats, and other pretties back home and relax. but the next time i'm at value village i'm going to see if there are platters/tablecloths/etc which would do that i can just leave at work rather than toting my things around.

like i said, it hasn't been horrible, just stressful. and i think if i did it often enough i'd get good at it. i'm just not sure i want to be good at it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

just yanked that sucker out

well, that was interesting. my dental extraction was this morning. i got there in plenty of time and read while i waited for my 10:45 appt. then they took me back and the assistant talked with me about a couple of things, put some numbing gel in my mouth, and leaned me back a bit.

the doctor came in and said hello, looked in my mouth, then took the syringe in hand. remember in the old days when the doctors would shoot you full of novocaine, how it used to hurt when they'd give you the shot? this was like that. (it was septocaine, i think) the shot on the outside of my tooth caused me to flinch *owwie*, then he reached in to the inside side and gave me that *goddamnsonofa* shot and then he was done. it was pretty quick but yuck! the inside shot was no fun.

then he took his dental tool, grasped my tooth, gently wrestled it around a little, and voila! it was out! took about 90 seconds! apparently the tooth was being rejected by my body which helped it come out. i couldn't believe it had come out in one piece, but he got all of it and didn't even need to place any stitches. he left for other adventure, the assistant gave me the speel about not swishing/spitting/drinking with straws, gave me a handful of gauze, and sent me on my way. i was driving home by 11:30.

yes, i'm glad it was easy. no, i didn't like the shots. yes, i'm glad the trouble-making tooth is gone. no, i don't like having a tooth gone. yes, i know that life isn't fair.

honestly, bits and pieces of me are just disappearing into the past.

Monday, August 11, 2008

and that's the truth, by crackey!

my life has been very full lately. so full, in fact, that i haven't had a bit of time to devote to my volunteer job with Groovera. :( -- very frowny face!

the last thing to come up is i have a cracked tooth. a part of it came apart about three years ago, so my dentist put a crown on it and it worked fine. then it was giving me trouble so she did a root canal and it worked fine. now it appears to have a crack up into the root which means it needs to come out. the oral surgeon mentioned today that a tooth which has had a root canal can be brittle, and that must have contributed to the crack. it's been soooo uncomfortable that i just want it out. and so wednesday my wish will be granted. it's a fairly minor tooth (#4 -- upper right, toward the back) so he's just going to deaden it rather than do the whole iv/sedation thing. thank god.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

a slight difference

i got this video from MYS and since i know you probably don't check out his website as often as i do, i wanted to give you an opportunity to see this video before it disappears into the milieu of the past. i was sooooooooo pulling for the guy at the end.

fun and games

my youngest bro sent me a fun time-waster the other day. just click on the ball and see it change color.