Sunday, November 23, 2008


i got this new godawful ugly pair of galoshes the other day. i need something to go from my car to my work since i don't want to get my tennis shoes dirty. have you seen what's available? check this out: circles, leaves, flowers, stripes, red or green, blue or olive, european chasseur, wellies with spots, bean boots.

i always have to be so careful since i have a wide foot. those of us with wide feet are at a distinct disadvantage in the world because manufacturers insist on making ladies shoes narrow. from slippers to sandals to heels, narrow is the word. and on a wide foot a narrow shoe is pain from hell.

at any rate, i bought the circles boot. it doesn't come in half sizes and since i'm normally about a 7 1/4, getting an 8 might have worked. i got a 7 which is pretty snug on my foot. but surely it can't be too bad since i'm only going from the car to the building and back.

on the other hand, the bean boot comes in wide and is generously sized. maybe i'll send the circles back.

up we go

i finally bought some curtains. yes, of course, i got (top-down, bottom-up) blinds for all the windows right after we moved in, but something else was needed. so i've worried over the issue for the longest time and finally made purchases. the ones we just got for the guest bedroom will be replaced after the winter, but that's okay. the others are either up or in the process of going up and i think we'll like them. if not, no biggee -- we'll take them back down and do something else.

one thing i've found out over the years is that if you haven't been given any instruction or advice about something, such that all your decisions have to be made out in the cold, you are simply learning as you go and there WILL be errors and miscalculations. so when you spend money on something that doesn't work out, asi es la vida. regroup and move on, as in, spend more money.

one of the curtains i got reminds me of some nebulous time-period when i was between 3 and 7. it's this diaphanous white dreamy thing which almost makes me cry for some reason. i love it.

many things

we've been busy lately doing several things, one of which is building a pergola on/over our deck. you can go to to see what the plans look like, although since our space isn't that big, the plans are just an idea of what the finished product will look like. but it will be nice. the fellow doing the work is young, experienced, and very good, so we're going to be happy. and he's going to finish off the front porch post the same way he's doing the pergola posts, so things will tie in nicely. when it's all done, i'll include a picture.

after that's finished we are going to do some landscaping around that quadrant of the yard to see if we can work up some kind of privacy in this tiny space we have. i'm excited about all of it.

my girlfriend got their house sold and immediately found a nice one on camano island, with views! they are going to love their new place and i'm so happy for them!

my new computer is excellent and i've decided i'm going to have to buy a new computer every two years, just like some people buy a new car regularly. this thing is fast and the monitor is wide and the graphics are great. not too crazy about office 2007, but what can you do. and vista sorta sucks, but meh.

life goes on.

do you know who i am?

do you like star wars? do you like british accents? did i tell you about this ? it's pretty darned hilarious -- i got it from my youngest bro. check it out and enjoy!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


when i got my new computer, we decided to give the husband's to this little gal at his work and to put my old one at his desk. we had to get an adapter so he'd be able to do the wireless thing.

it's been a bit of a confusing affair since we don't know anything about computers. i e-mailed our computer guru that we had the part and he e-mailed me a link to use. so i went online and pretty soon he had control of my computer.

we chatted online a tiny bit, then he printed out a page with some numbers on it for me. i asked what i should do next. there was a brief pause and then he said 'answer the phone'.

then the phone rang. it cracked me up. so an hour+ later (including some frantic searching for a cat5 cable cord -- which we did have believe it or not) everything was working and a-okay.

i love my computer guy.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

be in the know

there's more and more talk, and probably just as much confusion, about what documents you need if you're going from and to the united states. this is a neat look at what's out there for your needs.

the enhanced driver's license is offered by washington state and new york -- vermont, arizona, and michigan will be following soon.

there's been a lot of talk about the dangers of an enhanced driver's license (scientific american had an article a couple of months ago), but since it's already been thought of, it's going to happen so why not go ahead and use the technology. at this point it's still innocuous and might make your life easier. you can't use it to fly in and out of the country, but if you drive across the border, it's cheaper than the passport.

but then, if you're driving across the border, you will want to get a NEXUS card for travel to and from canada or a SENTRI card for mexico. with one of those cards you get access to a special lane (only for those cardholders) which moves more quickly.

so many things to know. some people call me at work and ask what they need to cross the border. they must either be very lazy or computer illiterate. just get yourself online and surf to find out what you need to know about documents, crossing with food, pets, medicine, and other info.

the state department also has a ton of information for you to arm yourself with, including warnings, alerts, and information about embassies.

just remember this: if an officer asks you to step aside and proceeds to ask questions, cooperate with him/her and be pleasant. don't ask why he wants to know things, don't give her a ration of shit. no matter how outrageous things get, stay calm and if it gets really bad you can say you'd like to talk with a supervisor.

the officers aren't allowed to and don't have to explain everything they do, and their job is to keep control of bad guys. there have been times when someone either looked like a known bad guy, or their name was the same. just stay cool and it will eventually get sorted out. getting mad is just going to make you look guilty and the whole thing will take longer.

remember: these guys really are policemen/women. be dignified, gracious, and polite.

Friday, November 07, 2008

little things

are you interested enough in science that you'd like to see pretty astral pictures once-a-day? then, go here: -- there are some beautiful, intriguing, amazing pictures on their web site.

ingterrested in books? go to and spend some time looking around. might find something you could get caught up in.

ever thought you might like to take a 4-5 day windjammer cruise? go to and eat your heart out. it sooooooo totally looks like fun. one of these days, maybe ......

want to find a good job with the government? you'll need to go to and look through their listings. in fact, it's the only way you can get on in our department.

okay -- that's all the tips for now. i need to read.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

the white house

interestingly enough i have only heard one comment in the last two days about the election. i don't think i've ever worked anywhere where there was less said about such an amazing happening.

i'm certainly not a politics person, so it's really okay with me not to talk about it. but still ....

can you imagine what our grandparents would have said? well, i mean, i'm 61 so my grandparents were living in the early 1900s. your grandparents may be my age. regardless, it would have been totally unimaginable for a black guy to have been elected president of the u.s. -- it just couldn't have happened.

but there was a big fuss about kennedy back in the 60s ("the pope's going to rule the country!") and this seems to be the same kind of thing. maybe in another 40 years we'll elect a woman.

hopefully it won't take that long. knock on wood it's not palin.

little ones

remember me talking about the triplets that are related to the big boss? they are almost 6 months old now and are just darling.

go to to see how cute they are and how much they've grown. they have been on a soap opera and there's a quick video clip which has one of them on it.

it will be fun to watch them grow, from afar.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


well, what do you think about that?! the daughter-in-law just called to shout that obama had won! and at her house they were dancing and having a party!

it's about time we got out from under the republican thumb. all thumbs. now if those devious republicans can keep busy with other issues and let obama get on with straightening around this country, that will be good.

but usually republicans can't keep from mucking around. and muck-raking. they are just so bad about that.

but for now things are looking up. the polls were bursting with voters and turn-outs were high if not record-breaking. that has to tell power brokers that americans are just sick-and-tired of what's been happening.

i really don't know what i would have done if mccain had won. and palin as possible president? that's just too ghoulish to even think about.

onward, obama, onward!

my new toy

i got a new computer recently and i'm pretty happy with it. the biggest problem i can see is trying to work with ms office 2007. wow, does it suck! but i suppose i should go ahead with it (it's a trial version for another week or two) since inertia is not a good thing.

if i thought they were going to discard office 2007 in favor of 2005 or whatever the version before was, i'd install the earlier version. but, i'm sure they'll just keep plowing ahead, so i suppose i should plow, too.

but, gees -- i hate this ribbon concept and lack of the normal toolbars. it takes more steps to get what i want than it did before when i had my toolbars completely customized. what kind of convoluted progress is that?

the other problem with this system is that my internet connection is funky. sometimes it spools right up. other times it sits there, trying. it gets pretty frustrating when i have a dual-core processor and have to wait and wait and wait for the connection to connect.

maybe the problem is comcast. too bad there's no competition internet-connectionwise. i'd leave comcast in the dust!

so says the little guy.

too funny

stuffonmycat is always so excellent. if you're having a bad day, for sure you need to spend some time going through their pictures and captions.

but especially go to this page and read about the deaf/blind dog and her seeing-eye cat. i can't imagine being that dog, but wow, what a great companion the cat is -- how did that happen?!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

The 11th Planet, chapter 4

He landed on soft, almost moist sand. What the ...? His momentary fear gave way to awe as he looked at his surroundings. The section of rock which had given way, had pivoted back into its original position on the low ceiling. The sand he knelt on was the floor of a small alcove which branched off at a ninety-degree angle from a wide tunnel. The wall opposite the alcove was studded with egg-shaped protuberances.

The surroundings were lighted, although he couldn’t see how that was so, since there was only the narrow two-inch high opening to let in light. Regardless of that fact, the whole area was well-lit, as if there were a window right overhead. The area was also dry, clean, and colorful. The alcove was a golden sandstone color, the tunnel was pale blue in both directions, and the wall with the protuberances was a glistening wine color.

The entire effect was man-made looking rather than natural. But how could that be? He stood up and glanced out the opening -- it reminded him of bunkers he’d read about on far-away Old Earth. After a bit he shook his head and decided to go partway down the tunnel to see what he would find.

He took the left tunnel and strode about ten steps before coming upon another alcove / opening / protruding wall set-up. He looked everything over, then stepped up to the narrow, external opening. At first he wasn’t sure what he was seeing -- far, far away he could just barely make out a pile of rocks with another skimmer sitting in front of it. Was someone else out exploring? His tracking/detection equipment should have alerted him. And oddly enough the skimmer was orange with an electric blue stripe, just like his. That was an eerie coincidence.

He walked the ten feet back to the original alcove and looked outside. This time he couldn’t see it. Oh sure, his skimmer was sitting right outside where he’d left it, but even though there was another rock pile far away, there was no second skimmer. He walked back down the ten feet to the second alcove and looked out again. Yep -- there it was. What the hell?

Just then an utterly mad idea began to form. No. No, it couldn’t be. He had only taken about ten steps from one alcove to the other, much fewer than if he went outside and walked to where the unidentified skimmer sat. It couldn’t be his skimmer -- it was just too far away. And ten steps in place of a couple of thousand didn’t make sense.

He went back once again to the original location, took his nocs and observed his skimmer close-up -- a nick where he’d dented it last year, a stain where some elic bushes had rubbed against the side. Then he walked to the second location and used his nocs to observe the mystery skimmer.

Damn! They were one and the same. The thought made him break out in a sweat. What kind of technology could move a man great distances with few steps? He didn’t know whether to be frightened or excited, but he was definitely going to keep this news to himself.

Suddenly he heard a sound. He froze ... listened ... then heard it again -- a pinging sound. He waited about thirty seconds, then heard it again a few more times. Quickly he walked back to ‘home base’ as he decided to think of the original alcove, and looked out the narrow ‘window.’

There was a dark cloud on the horizon which hadn’t been there just a few minutes ago. The ping sounded again and he noticed a small pebble bounce off the rock pile. Oh my god -- a dust storm? The hair on the back of his neck stood up as he thought about that possibility. He heard yet another ping and realized if he brought the skimmer in as close to the pile as he could, he just might be able to salvage it.

After hesitating briefly, wondering how he was going to get out of his base camp, he simply reached up to the opening and gently grasped it. It smoothly pivoted downward, creating a rough staircase which he ascended. He brought the skimmer as close as he could into the center of the crescent shape, then grabbed his backpack and duffle before going back down the ramp into the safety of the alcove. Dust storm, stone storm -- they were both to be avoided.

Tiny pebbles and small rocks started pinging with greater frequency, and finally one of them bounced through the opening. Moments later Mark watched in awe as a window-shade type of super-fine filament slowly but steadily drew down to completely cover the opening. He could see vaguely through it, but there were no more rocks zinging through. The same filament slowly spread out to cover his skimmer.

Within minutes the pinging began to rain non-stop and soon approached the loudness of a thundering falls. Oh my god, he thought as he slowly sank to the floor. If I’d been caught out in that .... He left the thought unfinished. When the noise began to get on his nerves, he walked into the tunnel and discovered, much to his delight, that the sound was almost completely blocked.

What is this place he wondered as he leaned against the rock and slid to sit cross-legged on the floor. Are there mysterious beings living in here somewhere? Am I in danger? He sat in thought, going through numerous possibilities and running scenarios until he finally realized he was tired and was never going to just figure it out. He stood up and went back to base to grab a blanket. It still sounded furious outside, and he mentally thanked the universe for showing him a safe place to wait out the storm.

He walked back down the tunnel, laid down with his head on his duffle, wrapped up in his blanket, and fell asleep.

don't take them for granted

we received a report from our commissioner this week. i know there are people out there who think Customs and Border Protection is a joke, and they do endless carping about long lines at the border, being wrongfully searched, and so on. just so you have an idea, here are the latest statistics:

we apprehended over 1 million people at our ports of entry and between them;
we seized just less than 3 million pounds of narcotics;
we apprehended more than 200 people with serious criminal records including for murder, rape and child molestation;
we continued to safeguard commercial trade through enhanced enforcement actions, which grew to more than 19,000 seizures valued at $351 million;
we accomplished all this despite increasingly difficult and dangerous conditions as 1,413 incidents of border violence were recorded.

rather than diss our officers, we should give them unconditional support.

i, of course, do .... every work day!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

leave me alone

my co-worker's death made me start thinking.

the government makes such a huge deal about seat belts. before it was mandatory, i ALWAYS fastened my seat belt. it was simply a good idea. then they made it mandatory, and the seat belts had to be just so, and had to be tight, and had to be retractable, and so on ad nauseum.

i don't like having my seat belt tight across my chest, so i have to trap it with a large binder clip. and sometimes you get it part-way out and then it locks and you have to mess with it before it's in place. and if you don't wear it, an alarm goes off until you put it on. good grief! what a frickin' hassle!!!

my real point is: so, excuse me, but why is it so important to have us wear seat belts so we won't get thrown out of the window, but it's okay for people to ride motorcycles when it's a damn given they are going to be thrown somewhere in ANY accident. wearing seat belts wouldn't help them, of course. but if it's okay for people to ride motorcycles, i think it should be okay to not have to wear my seat belt. which means, in reality, that i would wear my seat belt but would want car manufacturers to get rid of the alarm, and go back to seat belts that don't constrict.

i mean, gees. little irritations that people don't have control over can really get under your skin.

he was there ....

and then he wasn't.

one of our officers was killed on his way to work last week. he was riding a big motorcycle, but i don't know any details. it's always a shock to lose someone you know, even if you don't know them very well.

Kerry Gallager was a really nice guy. i had only talked to him a couple of times (there are more than 300 people who work there), but he was pleasant and helpful and had a quick smile. he was only 45 and in great shape, so it seemed like Death should have been calling on someone else.

so sad.

no problem!

there's so much catching-up-on to do so i guess i'll jump right in.

i gave blood today. it's something that i think adults should do if they can -- my dad did it for years. i wasn't supposed to after i had cancer, but that was 16 years ago and it's okay for me to do it now. i tried it several years ago, when the community put out a call, but i almost passed out when they started taking it and hated the experience.

so i decided to try again at the beginning of the summer. i went and was doing just fine until the end, when they were taking everything off, and my body decided to slip away. 'body, wait -- it's all over' i said, but it kept on closing up shop. so i told them and they had me move my feet and they slapped an ice pack under my neck and lowered the lounger i was in. i finally got some pink in my face again and they let me leave.

i mean, really. how disgusting that i can't even do something that simple. but i finally figured out that i should give blood on a full stomach. no one has ever said that. so much of my blood draws have been 12-hour fast or however long, that i just assumed i shouldn't eat anything first. but no -- i ate eggs and cheese for breakfast, jumped in the shower, got clean, got dressed, and showed up. it was fine! no queasies, no stars, no pale face.

so that's the secret. eat well before you give. and i had made sure i drank a lot of water the last few days so the needle stick didn't even hurt. i wonder why they don't give out that advice as a matter of course?! last time when i said i might get light-headed, the nurse said if i did it was the nurse's fault. this time the guy said it was psychological. but ha! to them both. for me it's biological.

eat hearty!!!