Sunday, December 28, 2008

crime pays until you're caught

this is good if you want to read about some of the crime in 2008. i don't really get the thumbs up/down thing -- maybe they're rating the cleverness of the crime.

i thought the fbi heist was the best .... way to go, government! as for the rest, one was clever but i wouldn't applaud his getting away with it (which he finally didn't), and the rest are just bad people who need to be taken out. and that last guy -- take him out and lose him somewhere. gees .....

Monday, December 22, 2008

oopsie ~

well, that link went away, so here's another one to those non-romatic men ...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

female chauvinism

i try to curb my male-bashing tendencies because i think it can be overdone. still .... there are some men who just don't know how to be romantic.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

days of yore...

i just found a cute web site -- i was entertained for 15 or 20 minutes. have fun!

a little consideration. yeah, pretty little all right.

i get pretty perturbed with people who can't seem to get their priorities straight. or even figure out any priorities.

it snowed last weekend, then again yesterday. this morning when i got to work, the parking lot had not been plowed and the sidewalks had not been shoveled. the parking lot is pretty big and there are absolutely NO extra parking spaces, so you know that people, in an unplowed lot, are not going to be that exacting when it comes to staying in the lines. what lines?

okay, so maybe they can't get someone to come out and plow. but for god's sake, SOMEone ought to be able to shovel the walks. for a facility as large as ours, that's just downright disgraceful.

and it's damned disgusting.

i was going to say something to my boss as soon as i got there, but i got sidetracked time and again and didn't get something said until just before lunch. by then the snow plow manager had come and gone (he said, has anyone complained?) so my complaint went unheard.

well shit. that lackadaisical crap pisses me off. what? the snow was a surprise? i don't think so. good grief!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

oh, the weather outside is frightful ....

we have snow! just a little bit, but added to the little bit we got a couple of days ago it's a little bit messy. and if the temps dip below freezing, it's going to get accidenty. most of the people around here don't drive very often in snow or ice and are either terrified of it or too ignorant of it to be terrified. either way it's not a good situation.

but the husband put chains on his car last night so we can manage to get around, assuming no one gets around into us.

people in nebraska wouldn't think anything of the snow we have, but then they and north/south dakotans know about driving in snow. curious how different parts of the country have different 'watch out for's.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

uh ... what ... uhhh, where ....

my work friend, mr billy goat gruff, had knee surgery last week. it had been giving him quite a bit of pain for quite a while and he finally said enough was enough. he came through it fine and is back home with his sweetie of a wife. we miss him at work. trying to find answers when he's the one who has them puts us at a distinct disadvantage.

just color us muddling on ....

get me a bed pan, i'm gonna be sick

student sues principal over suspension for facebook remarks .... detective successfully sues because he fell out of his chair and shot himself in the knee .... atheists are suing Homeland Security for thanking God ....

good grief! grow up! get a sense of responsibility and stop whining! this 'get some while the gettin's good' thing that 'the art of suing people' encourages makes me want to throw up. what does the suing mentality say about us?! nothing very classy, that's for sure.

it's disgusting!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

all that and more

how's your holiday shopping coming along? i've done all mine online. honestly, it's the only way to go. doesn't cost somewhere between $1.90 and $4.50 per gallon for gas. no long lines. no waiting around or tromping around or getting tired and grouchy. i mean, really, who needs to go shopping to get grouchy?

since i started ordering my clothes from orvis a couple of years ago, i've been inundated with catalogs. some of them are interesting and i've placed orders and been happy with the stuff, and other catalogs have had not-so-great stuff. the two i've been happiest with, by far, are and -- no hassle, pretty reliable.

i was unhappy with pendleton, appleseed's, draper damon, aerosoles, norm thompson, travel smith, and the jury is still out on sahalie and zappos. some of them had terrible service or customer service, and some had crappy products. i wasn't happy with nordstrom's either but all i bought was pantyhose.

plow and hearth is good, as well as solutions, peepers, country curtains, magic cabin, planet shoes, and foot smart.

i love computers, e-mail, surfing, the whole thing! i wish we'd had computers and the internet when i was little. i'd be a whiz!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

rain boots

i decided i just couldn't do the ugly circles boot. i'm going to keep the bean boots that came in the mail the other day. they aren't perfect, but since they're 'wide' they feel comfortable. the nice thing about planet shoes is that they pay for shipping the stuff to you and if you don't keep it, they pay the shipping costs back. pretty good deal.

but back to sizes. i'm disgusted and dismayed at how clothing sizes have changed the past 20-30 years. jeans have gone from 29" to 33" or 36" long. good grief -- not all of us are amazons. i guess short grandmas aren't supposed to wear jeans.

i have some blouses, sweaters, and pants from long long ago. some are size 11 and some are mediums. they still fit. and i'm no longer an 11. how can it be that there's such a tremendous difference in sizes? it's not the cut since the old things i can still wear look fairly normal. i think manufacturers decided to cut down on material to save on their costs and increase profits. and slowly cut the sizes down, too.

to me, that is disgusting. it's dishonest and greedy. i blame it on all those mba people.
