Thursday, December 18, 2008

a little consideration. yeah, pretty little all right.

i get pretty perturbed with people who can't seem to get their priorities straight. or even figure out any priorities.

it snowed last weekend, then again yesterday. this morning when i got to work, the parking lot had not been plowed and the sidewalks had not been shoveled. the parking lot is pretty big and there are absolutely NO extra parking spaces, so you know that people, in an unplowed lot, are not going to be that exacting when it comes to staying in the lines. what lines?

okay, so maybe they can't get someone to come out and plow. but for god's sake, SOMEone ought to be able to shovel the walks. for a facility as large as ours, that's just downright disgraceful.

and it's damned disgusting.

i was going to say something to my boss as soon as i got there, but i got sidetracked time and again and didn't get something said until just before lunch. by then the snow plow manager had come and gone (he said, has anyone complained?) so my complaint went unheard.

well shit. that lackadaisical crap pisses me off. what? the snow was a surprise? i don't think so. good grief!

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