Tuesday, January 06, 2009

complications upon complicated

oh, to be young again. i'd study computers, code, gaming, and hacking like crazy. strictly as a matter of self-defense, you understand. usually, the more you know about something, the more you can counter it.

i read an article a couple of weeks ago warning people about facebook and to be careful about putting too much self-info out there. now comes the story about the 18-yr old who hacked into twitter.

for us oldsters, it's pretty easy to be conscious about telling too much about ourselves -- we grew up with a strong sense of privacy and confidentiality. today's users (mostly younger than i) don't necessarily have that same sense of watching out and being careful.

i suppose part of it was the cold war and the potential threat of danger, although youth in any age declares invincibility and fearlessness. regardless, thinking about ramifications before laying yourself out there might not be bad advice.

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