Sunday, April 12, 2009

blue jeans and flannel shirts

our big boss, the one who retired in january, was always adament about no one wearing blue jeans on casual friday. i never could quite understand that since we could wear black jeans, or brown ones, or whatever other color. but she was unwavering on that stipulation.

since she left, her replacement hasn't arrived. it's been two and a half months now and casual friday has been a romp. we all wear blue jeans and it's just so nice.

just kidding, peg. i'm only kidding. we don't wear blue jeans.


  1. Anonymous6:03 PM

    very funny, Karen Bo Baren. I always believed that jeans are not appropriate for the work place. Black jeans look more like pants. Blue jeans look like, well, blue jeans.

  2. hee, hee, yeah i thought it was funny too!

    i guess i figure jeans are jeans and if they're clean and pressed, well, that's what casual means.

    maybe i'm too much of a free-spirit hippie underdog, but dressing severely like a back-east professional is just yuck!
