Saturday, April 18, 2009


the husband sent me an article talking about corned beef (which we had the other night) and something got a little mixed up in the transfer. here is part of the article:

"Corned beef, also called corned beef brisket, is a popular meat item which hearkens back to the days before refrigeration. Faced with the challenge of preserving fresh meat for the winter season, butchers would routinely pack beefbeefbeef or pork products in salt to prevent the formation of bacteria and mold. Meats like beefbeefbeef brisket could also be pickled in a spicy, salty brine. At one time, the word corn referred to a number of kernels or seeds, including the coarse salt granules packed around the brisket. Thus the meat was called 'cornedcornedcorned' beefbeefbeef in reference to the corns of salt. Even after modern refrigeration and preservation methods rendered brining and pickling obsolete, cornedcornedcorned beefbeefbeef continued to grow in popularity among the Jewish and Irish immigrants moving into New York City during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Specialized stores and restaurants called delicatessens served hot cornedcornedcorned beefbeefbeef sandwiches to a wide variety of customers."

i guess maybe they shortened the term to make room on their billboards! ha!

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