Thursday, July 16, 2009

faster and faster and faster ....

wow -- there's no time for anything anymore. the husband ordered something for the park, but it's probably going to arrive while we're gone. i ordered something for me to wear while we're gone, but they screwed around and didn't get it shipped 'til yesterday so it's probably going to arrive while we're gone. there's a very important person who's coming to visit our workplace, but that person is going to arrive while we're gone. not that my being gone matters to my workplace, but still ....

we -- both kids, spouse, grandaughter, and us -- are going to head over the mountains to a vacation home by a river/creek/stream and spend about 5 days. we're looking forward to having a lot of fun!! the only problem is that it's supposed to be about 100* while we're there. shit. hot temps and i don't get along. but we're bringing portable air conditioners, so maybe it won't be too bad. and with all the right people there, it can't help but be good!!

and right in the middle of getting ready for our trip, a friend is having her open house (to her new condo) and i'm supposed to bring food and a gift. ppppthththth! i have no idea when i'm going to get the food ready, but the gift hasn't been gotten yet.

one of these days things will slow down.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

let's play

the daughter-in-law and grandaughter came up friday afternoon and spent the weekend -- it was great! just us girls (husband spent the days at work) doing things and relaxing and taking it easy.

My Older Son was camping with friends but she just wasn't up to that busy and do-without activity. we went to hovander park in ferndale and climbed the tower, walked through the garden, and peeked in the windows of a lovely old house.

later the husband and i took grandaughter and went to the marina to look at boats. then we went to marine park and played with the whale tail and various other whale parts immortalized forever in black-and-white metal and cemented into the ground. it was great fun -- yay, weekend!!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

read your book and kill it too

i love to read. some days i like romances, some days i prefer sci-fi, some days i want to read fantasy.

nancy martin writes a blackbird sisters mystery series and i get a kick out of it -- it's pretty light-hearted. i really enjoyed 'cross your heart and hope to die' as well as 'have your cake and kill him too' -- they have some really funny lines in them. i was going to share a couple, but now i don't remember what pages they're on.

one of the sisters is really cool, but another one, libby, drives me NUTS!!! in fact, there are times when i'm determined to never pick up another book in the series, that gal drive me so crazy. but then it seems to tone down and i go on.

i wonder if the author knows how bad that character is....

quick pix

oh yes, you have to go check this out!

i thought it was neat even if the commenters didn't. lots of imagination to put it together, and lots of work, too. very neat!

be sure to read the foreward (paragraph above the vid).

Sunday, July 05, 2009

oh no --- goodbye

one of this little towns historic traditions, goff's clothing store, is closing. i tried to find out how long they've been open, but the only number i found was 1953 and that cannot be correct. regardless, it will be missed.

they have nice clothes, jewelry, material, and patterns. the family deserves a rest and this little town probably doesn't do a very good job of supporting them, but i hate to see them go.

god save us from having a third dollar store move in.

what did they do in the old days?

i haven't been able to use my shower for two weeks. apparently a person is supposed to take-out-old and put-in-new grout in your shower every year or so. i never heard of that until recently and we hired a guy to do it.

he kept breaking drill bits and after about the 9th one, he just filed them down and kept using them. it finally got taken care of and new grout put in, but then i had to wait until it dried.

and dust! ohmygod, i may never get all the dust cleaned up. that replace-the-grout theory may just disappear from my data base.

and yes, i have taken showers. i used the guest shower which isn't nearly as nice as mine. for one thing the really cool large flat many-holed shower head is set about 7 feet high which means even though it dispurses nicely, since i'm about 5'4" one drop of water may hit my eyebrow, while another one hits my knee. i mean, gees. it takes forever to get all of me wet, then soaped, then rinsed.

so yes, i'm glad to have that project over with and be back in my nice cozy big shower with a shower head just perfect for me.

step on out there...

i got some new dishes. i haven't bought dishes for so long and when i got this catalog called CB2 in the mail and looked through it, there were a number of different kinds of dish shapes/colors that i got a kick out of.

so i talked about it with the husband and we ordered six dinner plates/salad plates/bowls, all six sets being different shapes. they finally arrived and i think they're a riot. i'm looking forward to using them and deciding which shape i like best.

at our age, one does not have to be conventional!

the future is not set in concrete

man, i hate it when i run out of time. there are all these little things i want to share and if i can't find time to do it, i forget them. ack/sigh

My Younger Son told me about this r. heinlein book outline which was never written by The Man, and has since been written by spider robinson. it's called variable star. i really like both authors and enjoyed this book, but felt like there were a number of threads left dangling. i wonder if he's going to write another book and continue on?