Sunday, August 16, 2009

company picnic

my new boss decided it would be good to have a group picnic. he invited all the officers, management, and staff, and their families, and included border patrol and amo. one of the supervisors from another facility got the whole thing put together -- where we had it, the carved award, the games and prizes, the rental, everything.

oh yeah, i forgot to mention there was a chili throw-down! as it turned out not very many officers showed up (people had plans, the location -- silver lake park -- was too far away, they had to work, etc.), but a lot of management and admin types were there. it turned out to be really fun! the county sheriff and two town police chiefs were the judges and after the winner received the trophy everyone chowed down on the chili. we also had hamburgers, hot dogs, salad, chips, cake, and pop.

even though it was cloudy and kinda chilly (60's), we had our meal in the covered shelter and had a fire going in the fire pit the whole time. there were three-legged races and an egg toss, plus a peddle boat race. the whole time was just nice!


  1. It sounds like a nice event. I keep hearing great things about the new SPD.

  2. he has an easy smile and likes to be down where the action is so a lot of the officers are getting to know him. it'll be interesting to see if he successfully makes the transition from getting down in the dirt to having clean fingernails. it won't be easy for him -- he loves playing in the dirt.
