Monday, October 12, 2009

little old lady from pasadena ...

remember how guys used to soup up their cars and add dumps and a 4-on-the-floor and button-and-tuck and stuff like that?

they had nothing on these guys!

in fact, now that i think of it, they're probably the same guys! hahaha...


  1. OMG... I showed this to my mother and she was laughing so hard about p'd herself!! LOL..... you see, my dad has a golf cart {his new mode of transportation since the stroke}... she thought it would be funny to ramp up his golf cart too! LOL

  2. absolutely!!! no sense in going gently into that good night, but we all should rage, rage against the dying of the light! not that your dad is ready to die, but just that why not jazz things up?!! i would if i had a golf cart. hmmm, i wonder how i would do it? *things to think about in the middle of the night*
