Saturday, October 03, 2009

off into the wilderness...

the husband and i are going adventuring in another week -- we're headed for this cool place.

i like their video, but go here to see where we're going to stay. if that link doesn't work, from the home page click on 'view gallery' then click on 'tent house suites' to get a feel for where we're going.

i expect to enjoy our trip -- it's on an island, after all, and we take a ferry to get there. it can't help but be beautiful country. it's really too bad our forefathers couldn't have somehow gotten their hands on that whole british columbia area. it's so pretty it'd make you cry.


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Very cool place. Let us know how the accommodations were.

  2. I wanna go! LOL cannot believe I missed this place after living on the coast for 8 yrs. Looks very beautiful, relaxing and fun!

  3. i know -- i was smitten the very first time i saw the pix. i'll let you know what we think!
